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Klinik für Augenheilkunde
Sektion Funktionelle Sehforschung
PD Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Kornmeier

PD Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Kornmeier

Tel.: 0761 207-2121
Fax: 0761 207-2191
E-Mail: juergen.kornmeier@uni-freiburg.de 

Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Sektion Funktionelle Sehforschung
Killianstraße 5
79106 Freiburg

Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie
Wahrnehmung & Kognition
Wilhelmstraße 3a
79098 Freiburg


Kornmeier J, Friedel E, Wittmann M, Atmanspacher H (submitted) EEG Correlates of Cognitive Time Scales in the Necker-Zeno Model for Bistable Perception

Liaci E, Fischer A, Heinrichs M, Tebartz van Elst L, Kornmeier J (2017) Mona Lisa is always happy – and only sometimes sad. Scientific Reports 7, 43511

Kornmeier J, Wörner R, Bach M (2016) Can I trust on what I see? – EEG Evidence for a Cognitive Evaluation of Perceptual Constructs. Psychophysiology 53 (10), 1507-1523

Liaci E, Wörner R, Bach M, Tebartz van Elst L, Heinrich SP, Kornmeier J (2016) Ambiguity in visual and tactile apparent motion perception. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0152736.

Duval CZ, Goumon Y, Kemmel V, Kornmeier J, Dufour A, Andlauer O, Vidailhet P, Poisbeau P, Salvat E, Muller A, Mensah-Nyagan AG, Schmidt-Mutter C, Giersch A (2016) Neurophysiological evidence of enhanced pain sensitivity in patients with schizophrenia. Scientific Reports 6, 22542          

Wernery J, Atmanspacher H, Kornmeier J, Candia V, Folkers G, Wittmann M (2015)  Perceptual Bias and Temporal Processing in Bistable Perception. Perception 44(2), 157-168

Kornmeier J & Mayer G (2014) The alien in the forest OR when temporal context dominates perception. Perception 43(11), 1270-1274

Mayer G & Kornmeier J (2014) Rätselhafte Objekte auf den Bildern einer Wildkamera oder: die Tücken der Wahrnehmung. Zeitschrift für Anomalistik Band 14, 7-24

Kornmeier J & Bach M (2014)  EEG correlates to perceptual reversals of Boring’s ambiguous Old/Young Woman. Perception 4(9), 950-62

Kornmeier J, Wörner R, Riedel A, Tebartz van Elst L (2014) A different view on the checkerboard? Alterations in early and late visually evoked EEG potentials in Asperger observers. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90993

Kornmeier J, Spitzer M, Sosic-Vasic Z (2014) Very similar spacing-effect patterns in very different learning/practice domains. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90656

O'Shea R, Kornmeier J, Roeber U (2013) Predicting visual consciousness electrophysiologically. PLOS ONE 8(10), e76134

Kornmeier J, Sosic-Vasic Z (2012) Parallels between spacing effects during behavioural and cellular learning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6(203): 1-5

Kornmeier J, Bach M (2012) Ambiguous figures – What happens in the brain if perception changes but not the stimulus. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6(51): 1-23

Kornmeier J, Pfäffle M, Bach, M (2011) Necker cube: Stimulus-related (low-level) and percept-related (high-level) EEG signatures early in occipital cortex. Journal of Vision 11(9):12, 1-11

Kornmeier J, Sosic-Vasic Z (2011) Hirngymnastik nach Plan – Gibt es ein Trainingsprogramm für effizientes Lernen? Nervenheilkunde 30: 613-620 [PDF-request→@]

Ehm W, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2010) Variability in gamma activity during observation of ambiguous figures. In: Fechner Day 2010, ed. by A. Bastianelli and G. Vidotto, International Society for Psychophysics, Padua 2010, pp. 439-444 [PDF-request→@]

Ehm W, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2010) Ambiguous figures and binding: EEG frequency modulations during multistable perception. Psychophysiology 48: 547-558 [PDF-request→@]

Ehm W, Kornmeier J, Heinrich SP (2010) Multiple testing via successive subdivision. Electronic Journal of Statistics 4: 461-471

Kornmeier J, Bach M (2009) Object perception: When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it. Journal of Vision 9(1):7, 1-10

Kornmeier J, Hein CM, Bach M (2009) Multistable Perception: When bottom-up and top-down coincide. Brain & Cognition 69:138–147 [PDF-request→@]

Atmanspacher H, Bach M, Filk T, Kornmeier J, Römer H (2008) Cognitive Time Scales in a Necker-Zeno Model for Bistable Perception. Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal 2: 234-251

Kornmeier J, Ehm W, Bigalke H, Bach M (2007) Discontinuous presentation of ambiguous figures: How inter-stimulus-interval durations affect reversal dynamics and ERPs. Psychophysiology 44(4): 552-560 [<link typo3 publications bachkornmeier2007.pdf _blank>PDF]

Kornmeier J, Bach M (2006) Bistable perception – Along the processing chain from ambiguous visual input to a stable percept. Int J Psychophysiol 62: 345-349 [PDF-request→@]

Kornmeier J, Bach M (2005) The Necker cube – an ambiguous figure disambiguated in early visual processing. Vision Research 45: 955-960 [PDF-request→@]

Kornmeier J, Bach M, Atmanspacher H (2004) Correlates of perceptive instabilities in visually evoked potentials. Int J Bifurcations & Chaos 14(2): 727-736 [PDF-request→@]

Kornmeier J & Bach M (2004) Early neural activity in Necker-cube reversal: Evidence for low-level processing of a gestalt phenomenon. Psychophysiology 40(1): 1-8 [<link typo3 publications bachkornmeier2004.pdf _blank>PDF]

Books and Others

Kornmeier J (2002). Wahrnehmungswechsel bei mehrdeutigen Bildern - EEG-Messungen zum Zeitverlauf neuronaler Mechanismen PhD thesis. Universität Freiburg

Nelle OA, Kornmeier J (1996) Evolution der Pflanzen – Früchte. Selbstverlag

Nelle OA, Kornmeier J (1996) Evolution der Pflanzen – Moose. Selbstverlag

Kornmeier J, Nelle OA (1995) Evolution der Pflanzen – Algen. Selbstverlag

Conference Abstracts

Kornmeier J, Wiedner L, Bach M, and Heinrich SP (2012) Beware of Blue: Background Colours Differentially Affect Perception of Different Types of Ambiguous Figures. Proceedings of the KogWis 2012, p. 136.

Wörner R, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2012) EEG-correlates of different degrees of visual ambiguity. ECVP 2012.

O’Shea RP, Roeber U, Kornmeier J (2012). Predicting binocular rivalry alternations from brain activity [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 12(9,1268).

Kornmeier J, Bach, Michael, Wörner Rike (2012) EEG Correlates of Stable and Unstable Object Representations Are Similar Across Stimulus Categories. ASSC 16 – Conference Handbook, page 106.

Kornmeier J, Bach, Michael, Wörner Rike (2012) EEG-correlates of different degrees of visual ambiguity. Psychologie und Gehirn – Abstractband, page 160.

Kornmeier J, Wiedner K, Bach M, Heinrich SP (2011) Beware of blue: background colours differentially affect perception of different types of ambiguous figures. Perception 40 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 173

Heinrich S P, Wiedner K, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2011) Beware of light red: Surround colour affects achromatic visual acuity. Perception 40 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 79

Wernery J, Kornmeier J, Candia V, Folkers G, Atmanspacher H (2011) Dwell time distributions for the bistable perception of the Necker cube. Perception 40 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 172

Kornmeier J, Pfäffle M, Bach M, (2010) The Necker Cube: Effects of stimulus size on stimulus and reversal related ERP components. Perception 39 ECVP Abstract Supplement, p 125

O’Shea RP, Kornmeier, J, & Roeber, U (2010) Predicting visual consciousness electrophysiologically. 37th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, University of Melbourne. Australia

O'Shea, RP, Kornmeier, J & Roeber, U (2009) Predicting visual consciousness electrophysiologically. 19th Australasian Psychophysiology Society Conference. Newcastle, Australia

Ehm W, Kornmeier J (2009) Detecting frequency-specific phase synchrony in brain electrical oscillations. Fechner Day, Gallway, Irland.

Kornmeier J, C M Hein, M Bach (2009) Multistable perception: When bottom - up and top - down coincide. Perception 38 ECVP Abstract Supplement.

O'Shea RP, Kornmeier J, Roeber U (2009) Predicting binocular-rivalry alternations electrophysiologically. Perception 38 ECVP Abstract Supplement.

Wörner R, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2009) Ambiguous figures: Different levels of perceptual adaptation. Perception 38 ECVP Abstract Supplement.

Kornmeier J, Hein CM, Krüger K, Heinrich SP, Bach M (2008) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it – evidence for an unconscious reliability estimation of the perceptual outcome. Perception 37 ECVP Abstract Supplement. p. 129.

Ehm W, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2008) What role for gamma oscillations in the perception of ambiguous figures? Perception 37 ECVP Abstract Supplement. p. 116.

Kornmeier J, Bach M (2008) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it. Tagungsband Psychologie und Gehirn. p. 11.

Heinrich SP, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2008) Conquer and Divide: A novel approach to spatiotemporal significance testing that accounts for alpha error inflation. Human Brain Mapping.

Kornmeier J, Hein CM, Bach M (2007) Multistable Perception: ERP Correlates of Perceptual Stability Across Different Classes of Ambiguous Figures. Proceedings of the 10th Tübinger Perception Conference. p. 88

Krüger K, Bach M, Heinrich SP, Kornmeier J (2007). Multistable Perception: Does Stability of a Neural Object Representation Depend on Attention? Proceedings of the 10th Tübinger Perception Conference. p. 89

Hein CM, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2006) ERP correlates of the disambiguation of the ambiguous old/young-woman-figure. 13th World Congress of Psychophysiology, Istanbul, Turkey.

Ehm, W & Kornmeier J (2006) Ambiguous figures: Inter-individual variability in gamma oscillations during Gestalt perception. 6th Congress of the Federation of European Psychophysiology Societies, Budapest, Ungarn.

Kornmeier J, Bigalke H, Bach M (2005) Ambiguous figures: Effects of ISI duration in discontinuous stimulus presentation onto EEG components. Proceedings of KogWis05, the German Cognitive Science Conference. p. 118

Kornmeier J, Bach M (2005). ERP Correlates to Perceptual Reversal of Ambiguous Figures: Effects of ISI Duration. Proceeding of the 8th Tübinger Perception Conference. p. 133

Hein CM, Bach M, Kornmeier J (2005) Old/Young Woman: ERP Correlates of the Disambiguation of an Ambiguous Face-Figure. Proceedings of the 8th Tübinger Perception Conference. p. 127

Kornmeier J, Bach M (2004) Evidence for early visual processing in perceptual disambiguation of ambiguous figures. Journal of Vision 4(8): p. 249a

Kornmeier J, Bach M (2004) More evidence for early visual processing in perceptual disambiguation of ambiguous figures. Proceeding of the 7th Tübinger Perception Conference. p. 105

Kornmeier J, Bach M (2003) Zwei Varianten des Necker-Würfels: Frühe, okzipitale lateralisierte ERP-Korrelate des Wahrnehmungswechsels. Beiträge zur 6. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz. p. 157

Kornmeier J, Heinrich SP, Bach M (2002) Necker-Würfel: Neuronale Sättigung und "top-down" Einflüsse. Beiträge zur 5. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz. p. 69.

Kornmeier J, Heinrich SP, Atmanspacher H, Bach M (2001) The reversing "Necker Wall" – A new paradigm to the reversal of orientation reveals an early EEG correlate. Cognitive Systems & Mechanisms, KogWis 2001: p41

Kornmeier J, Heinrich SP, Atmanspacher H, Bach M (2001) The reversing "Necker Wall" – A new paradigm with reversal entrainment reveals an early EEG correlate. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 42: p409 (ARVO)

Kornmeier J, Heinrich SP, Atmanspacher H, Bach M (2001) Die "Necker-Wand" – Ein neues Paradigma zum Kippphänomen mehrdeutiger Figuren löst ein frühes EEG Korrelat aus. Beiträge zur 4. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz. p. 64

Selected Talks

Kornmeier J (2012) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it – Evidence for an unconscious reliability estimation of perceptual constructs. Institut für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Kognitionswissenschaft, University Freiburg, Germany.

Kornmeier J (2012) Multistable perception: How to handle unstable brain states? INRIA Nancy Grand Est, France.

Wörner, R, Kornmeier J (2012) EEG-Korrelate zum Grad der Mehrdeutigkeit eines visuellen Reizes. Abteilung für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Germany

Wörner, R, Kornmeier J (2012) EEG-Korrelate zum Grad der Mehrdeutigkeit eines visuellen Reizes. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, Freiburg, Germany

Kornmeier J (2011) Ambiguous figures – What happens in the brain when perception changes but the stimulus does not? University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Kornmeier J (2011) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it – Evidence for an unconscious reliability estimation of the perceptual outcome. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Kornmeier J (2011) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it – Evidence for an unconscious reliability estimation of the perceptual outcome. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Kornmeier J (2011) Ambiguous figures – The processing chain from early instability to a stable conscious percept. Department of Psychology, Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania , USA

Kornmeier J (2011) EEG correlates of stable and unstable mental object representations. Towards a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm, Sweden

Kornmeier J (2011) Ambiguous figures – The processing chain from early instability to a stable conscious percept. Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany

Kornmeier J (2011) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it. University of Osnabrück, Germany

Kornmeier J (2011) Ambiguous figures – The processing chain from early instability to a stable conscious percept. Universitätsklinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie Bern, Switzerland

Kornmeier J (2010) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it. Kogwis 2010, Potsdam, Germany

Kornmeier J (2010) Spacing und Testing Effekt – Zeitkonstanten zur Optimierung von Lernen und Gedächtnis. Neurobiologisches Forschungslabor der Universitäts-HNO-Klinik, Freiburg, Germany

Kornmeier J (2010) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it. &

Kornmeier J (2010) Ambiguous figures – The processing chain from early instability to a stable conscious percept. Department of Psychiatry, Charité Berlin, Germany

Kornmeier J (2010) Ambiguous figures – The processing chain from early instability to a stable conscious percept. Caledonian University Glasgow, Scottland

Wörner R & Kornmeier J (2010) Multistabile Wahrnehmung - Priming und Adaptation auf verschiedenen Verarbeitungsstufen. IGPP Kolloquium, IGPP Freiburg

Kornmeier J (2010) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it. Bernstein Center Freiburg

Kornmeier J (2009) Instabile Wahrnehmung. Fakultät für Biologie, Freiburg

Kornmeier J (2009) Verarbeitung mehrdeutiger Information in der Wahrnehmung. Akategorialität Interdisziplinärer Workshop, Villa Garbald, Castasegna, Schweiz.

Kornmeier J (2009) Multistable Perception – Features and Explanations. Workshop on Generalized Quantum Theory. Freiburg, Germany

Kornmeier J (2009) Uniqueness of and in the human brain!? The chanllenge of uniqueness. Interdisciplinary Workshop. Centra pro teoretická studia, Prague, Czech Republic.

Kornmeier J (2009) Ambiguous Figures – EEG correlates of perceptual instability. Collegium Helveticum, Zürrich, Switzerland

Kornmeier J (2009) Ambiguous Figures – When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it. Max Planck Institut für Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany

Kornmeier J (2009) Instabilitäten in der visuellen Wahrnehmung. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, Freiburg, Germany

Kornmeier J (2009) Bottom-up oder Top-down? Was uns Kippfiguren über unsere Wahrnehmung sagen können. Epilepsiezentrum, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Germany

Kornmeier J (2009) Multistable Perception – When our percept changes spontaneously, but the outside world does not. Department of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Germany

Kornmeier J (2008) Lernen und Entwicklung aus neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive. 13. Jahrestagung der GAIMH in Freiburg, Germany

Kornmeier J (2008) Statistical Basics. Marie Curie Research Training Networks „MY EUROPIA“ at Schloß Murnau, Germany

Kornmeier J (2008) When our brain is impressed but we do not notice it – evidence for an unconscious reliability estimation of the perceptual outcome. ECVP 2008 in Utrecht, Netherlands

Kornmeier J (2008) Multistable Perception.  Department of Psychology, University of Freiburg.

Kornmeier J (2007) Ambiguous figures – what happens in the brain if perception changes but not the figure.  Universität Leipzig

Kornmeier J (2007) Wie wir uns die Welt konstruieren ... und wo wir auf Grenzen stoßen. Paritätische Berufsfachschule, Hausach

Kornmeier J (2007) Ambiguous figures – Evidence for weak neural representations and two independent processes.  École Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Schweiz

Kornmeier J (2007) Ambiguous figures: The processing chain from early disambiguation to perceptual awareness. KogWis 2007, the German Cognitive Science Conference, Saarbrücken, Germany

Kornmeier J (2006) Ambiguous figures: The processing chain from early disambiguation to perceptual awareness. 6th Congress of the Federation of European Psychophysiology Societies, Budapest, Ungarn

Ehm, W & Kornmeier J (2006) Bistabile Wahrnehmung und Modulation der EEG-Aktivität im Gammaband. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, Freiburg

Kornmeier J (2005) Phänomen Kippfiguren – bottom-up oder top-down? Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Germany

Kornmeier J (2005) Optische Täuschungen – Wahrnehmungskonstruktion ... und ihre Grenzen. Glaukom Workshop, Freiburg, Germany

Kornmeier J (2004) The Necker cube is disambiguated in early visual processing – evidence from a novel ERP-paradigm. Evoked Potentials International Conference (EPIC) XIV, Leipzig, Germany

Kornmeier J (2003) Frühe EEG-Korrelate zum Wahrnehmungswechsel mehrdeutiger Figuren – Hinweis auf low-level Verarbeitung. Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research Cognitive Psychophysiology of Action, München, Germany

Kornmeier J (2003) Kornmeier J (2002). Wahrnehmungswechsel bei mehrdeutigen Bildern – EEG-Messungen zum Zeitverlauf neuronaler Mechanismen. Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, Freiburg, Germany

Kornmeier J (2001) Bistable Perception. Department of Neurobiology and Biophysics, University Freiburg, Germany

  • ERP correlates of Multistable Perception
  • Modeling multistable perception. Together with PD Dr Harald Atmanspacher (IGPP, Freiburg, Germany), Prof Thomas Filk (Faculty of Physics, University of Freiburg, Germany) and Jannis Wernery (Collegium Helveticum, Zürich, Switzerland)
  • ERP correlates of Binocular Rivalry. Together with Dr. Urte Roeber (University of Leipzig, Germany) and Prof. Robert O'Shea (Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbor, Australia)
  • Psychophysics of ambiguous silhouette stimuli. Together with Prof. Michael Bach and Marie-Christine Knoche (University Eye-Hospital, Freiburg, Germany)
  • ERP correlates of visual ambiguity. Together with Prof. Ludger Tebartz van Elst (University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany) and Dipl. Biol. Rike Wörner
  • Optimization of learning and memory. Together with  Prof Manfred Spitzer and  Dr. Zrinka Sosic-Vasic (Universitätsklinikum and ZNL Ulm, Germany)

  • Journalclub
  • Seminar "Vision et al"

  • Dr. Sebastian Philipp
  • Caroline Hachmann
  • Ellen Joos
  • Emanuela Liaci

Former Co-worker

  • Dipl. Inf. Alexander HuberJulia Otte
  • Evelyn Friedel
  • Dipl. Biol. Rike Wörner
  • Kirsten Wiedner, biology student
  • Tina Hassfeld, medical dissertation
  • Heiko Bigalke, medical dissertation
  • Christine M Hein, diploma work biology
  • Miriam Pfäffle, practical course biology


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79106 Freiburg

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