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Totonji S., Ramos-Triguero A., Willmann D., Sum M., Urban S., Bauer H. Rieder A., Wang S., Greschik H., Metzger E., Schüle R. (2024). Lysine Methyltransferase 9 (KMT9) Is an Actionable Target in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 16(8):1532. doi: 10.3390/cancers16081532.

Wang S., Klein SO., Urban S., Staudt M., Barthes NPF., Willmann D., Bacher J., Sum M., Bauer H., Peng L., Rennar GA., Gratzke C., Schüle KM., Zhang L., Einsle O., Greschik H., MacLeod C., Thomson CG., Jung M., Metzger E., Schüle R. (2024). Structure-guided design of a selective inhibitor of the methyltransferase KMT9 with cellular activity. Nature Communications 15, Article number: 43. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-44243-6.

Berlin C., Cottard F., Willmann D., Urban S., Tirier SM., Marx L., Rippe K., Schmitt M., Petrocelli V., Greten FR., Fichtner-Feigl S., Kesselring R., Metzger E., Schüle R. (2022). KMT9 Controls Stemness and Growth of Colorectal Cancer. Cancer Res. 15;82(2):210-220. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.

Herrlinger EM., Hau M., Redhaber DM., Greve G., Willmann D., Steimle S., Müller M., Lübbert M., Miething CC., Schüle R., Jung M. (2020 ). Nitroreductase-Mediated Release of Inhibitors of Lysine-Specific Demethylase 1 (LSD1) from Prodrugs in Transfected Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Cells. Chembiochem. 21(16):2329-2347. doi: 10.1002/cbic.202000138.

Baumert H.M., Metzger E., Fahrner, M., George J., Thomas R.K., Schilling O. and Schüle R. (2020). Depletion of histone methyltransferase KMT9 inhibits lung cancer cell proliferation by inducing non-apoptotic cell death. Cancer Cell International 20,  doi: 10.1186/s12935-020-1141-2.

Haydn T., Kehr S., Willmann D., Metzger E., Schüle R., Fulda S. (2020). Next-generation sequencing reveals a novel role of lysine-specific demethylase 1 in adhesion of rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Int J Cancer. 146(12):3435-3449. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32806.

Metzger, E., Wang, S., Urban, S., Willmann, D., Schmidt, A., Offermann, A., Allen, A., Sum, M., Obier, N., Cottard, F., Ulferts, S., Preca, B.-T., Hermann, B., Maurer, J., Greschik, H., Hornung, V., Einsle, O., Perne, S., Imhof, A., Jung, M. and Schüle R. (2019). KMT9 mono-methylates histone H4 Lysine 12 and controls proliferation of prostate cancer cells. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 26, 361-371.

Yan, X., Greschik, H., Johansson, C., Seifert, L., Bacher, J., Park, K-s., Babault, N., Martini, M., Fagan, V., Li, F., Chau, I., Christott, T., Dilworth, D., Barsyte-Lovejoy, D., Vedadi, M., Arrowsmith, C., Brennan, P., Fedorov, O., Jung, M., Farnie, G., Liu, J., Oppermann, U., Schüle, R. and Jin, J. (2019). Discovery of a potent and selective fragment-like inhibitor of methyllysine reader protein Spindlin 1 (SPIN1). J. Med. Chem., doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b00522.

Roatsch, M., Hoffmann, I., Abboud, M., Hancock, R., Tarhonskaya, H., Hsu, K-F., Wilkins, S., Yeh, T-L., Lippl, K., Serrer, K., Moneke, I., Ahrens, T., Robaa, D., Wenzler, S., Barthes, N., Franz, H., Sippl, W., Lassmann, S., Diederichs, S., Schleicher, E., Schofield, C., Kawamura, A., Schüle, R. and Jung, M. (2019). The Clinically Used Iron Chelator Deferasirox is an Inhibitor of Epigenetic JumonjiC Domain-Containing Histone Demethylases. ACS Chemical Biology, doi:10.1021/acschembio.9b00289.

Fagan, V., Johansson, C., Gileadi, C., Monteiro, O., Dunford, J., Nibhani, R., Philpott, M., Malzahn, J., Wells, G.,Farham, R., Cribbs, A., Halidi, N., Li, F.,Chau I., Greschik, H., Velupillai, S., Al-lali-Hassani, A., Bennett, J., Christott, T., Giroud, C., Lewis, A.M., Huber, K.VM, Athanasou, N., Bountra, C., Jung, M. Schüle, R., Vedadi, M., Arrowsmith, C., Xiong, Y.,Jin, J., Fedorov, O., Farnie, G., Brennan, P.E. and Oppermann, U. (2019). A chemical probe for Tudor domain protein SPIN1 to investigate chromatin function. ChemRxi, doi: 10.26434/chemrxiv.7673129.

Barth, J., Abou-El-Ardat, K., Dalic, D., Kurrle, N., Scheder, A-M., Mohr, S., Schütte, J., Vassen, L., Greve, G., Schulz-Fincke, J., Schmitt, M., Tosic, M., Metzger, E., Bug, G., Khandanpour, C., Wagner, S., Lübbert, M., Jung, M., Serve, H., Schüle, R. and Tobias Berg. (2019). LSD1 inhibition by tranylcypromine derivatives interferes with GFI1-mediated repression of PU.1 target genes and induces differentiation in AML. Leukemia. 33,1411-1426.

Tosic M., Allen A., Willmann D., Lepper C., Kim J., Duteil D., Schüle R. (2018). Lsd1 regulates skeletal muscle regeneration and directs the fate of satellite cells. Nat Commun. 9(1):366. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02740-5.

Duteil, D., Tourrette, Y., Eberlin, A., Willmann, D., Patel, D., Friedrichs, N., Müller, J.M. and Schüle, R. (2018). The histone acetyltransferase inhibitor Nir regulates epidermis development. Development 145, doi: 10.1242/dev.158543.

Michel, N.A., Colberg, C., Buscher, K., Sommer, B., Pramod, A.B., Ehinger, Dufner, E.B., Hoppe, N., Pfeiffer, K., Marchini, T., Willecke, F., Stachon, P., Hilgendorf, I., Heidt, T., von zu Mühlen, C., von Elverfeldt, D., Pfeifer, D., Schüle, R., Kintscher, U., Brachs, S., Ley, K., Bode, C., Zirlik. A and Wolf, W. (2018). Inflammatory pathways regulated by tumor-necrosis receptor associated factor 1 protect from metabolic consequences in diet-induced obesity. Circ. Res. 122, 693-700.

Greschik H., Duteil D., Messaddeq N., Willmann D., Arrigoni L., Sum M., Jung M., Metzger D., Manke T., Günther T., Schüle R. (2017). The histone code reader Spin1 controls skeletal muscle development. Cell Death Dis. 23;8(11):e3173. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2017.468.

Koch, S.C., Del Barrio, M.G., Dalet, A., Gatto, G., Günther, T., Zhang, J., Seidler, B., Saur, D., Schüle, R. and Goulding, M. (2017) RORbeta spinal interneurons gate sensory transmission during locomotion to secure a fluid walking gait. Neuron 96, 1-13.

Metzger E., Stepputtis S.S., Strietz J., Preca B.T., Urban S., Willmann D., Allen A., Zenk F., Iovino N., Bronsert P., Proske A., Follo M., Boerries M., Stickeler E., Xu J., Wallace M.B., Stafford J.A., Kanouni T., Maurer J., Schüle R. (2017. KDM4 Inhibition Targets Breast Cancer Stem-like Cells. Cancer Res. 77(21):5900-5912. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472

Duteil, D., Tosic, M., Willmann, D., Georgiadi, A., Kanouni, T. and Schüle, R. (2017). Lsd1 prevents age-programed loss of beige adipocytes. PNAS 114(20):5265-5270.

Schulz-Fincke, J., Hau, M., Barth, J., Robaa, D., Willmann, D., Kürner, A., Haas, J., Greve, G., Haydn, T., Fulda, S., Lübbert, M., Lüdeke, S., Berg, T., Sippl, W., Schüle, R. and Jung, M. (2017). Structure-activity studies on N-substituted tranylcypromine derivatives lead to selective inhibitors of lysine specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) and potent inducers of leukemic cell differentiation. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 144, 52-67.

Castex J., Willmann D., Kanouni T., Arrigoni L., Li Y., Friedrich M., Schleicher M., Wöhrle S., Pearson M., Kraut N., Méret M., Manke T., Metzger E., Schüle R., Günther T. (2017 ) Inactivation of Lsd1 triggers senescence in trophoblast stem cells by induction of Sirt4. Cell Death Dis. 8(2):e2631. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2017.48.

Haydn T., Metzger E., Schuele R., Fulda S. (2017). Concomitant epigenetic targeting of LSD1 and HDAC synergistically induces mitochondrial apoptosis in rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Cell Death Dis. 8(6):e2879. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2017.239.

Scionti I., Hayashi S., Mouradian S., Girard E., Esteves de Lima J., Morel V., Simonet T., Wurmser M., Maire P., Ancelin K., Metzger E., Schüle R., Goillot E., Relaix F., Schaeffer L. (2017). LSD1 Controls Timely MyoD Expression via MyoD Core Enhancer Transcription. Cell Rep. 18(8):1996-2006. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.01.078.

Moreno-Juan V., Filipchuk A., Antón-Bolaños N., Mezzera C., Gezelius H., Andrés B., Rodríguez-Malmierca L., Susín R., Schaad O., Iwasato T., Schüle R., Rutlin M., Nelson S., Ducret S., Valdeolmillos M., Rijli F.M., López-Bendito G. Prenatal thalamic waves regulate cortical area size prior to sensory processing (2017). Nat Commun. 8:14172.

Duteil, D., Tosic, M., Lausecker, F., L, Nenseth, H. Z., Müller, J. M., Urban, S., Willmann, W., Petroll, K., Messaddeq, N., Arrigoni, L., Manke, T-, Kornfeld, J.-W., Brüning, J.C., Zagoriy, V., Meret, M., Dengjel, J., Kanouni, T. and Schüle, R. (2016). Lsd1 ablation triggers metabolic reprogramming of brown adipose tissue. Cell Rep. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.09.053

Rohde M., Sievers E., Janzer A., Willmann D., Egert A., Schorle H., Schüle R., Kirfel J. (2016). Overexpression of histone demethylase Fbxl10 leads to enhanced migration in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Exp Cell Res. S0014-4827(16)30265-8.

Robaa D., Wagner T., Luise C., Carlino L., McMillan J., Flaig R., Schüle R., Jung M., Sippl W. (2016). Identification and Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of Small-Molecule Inhibitors of the Methyllysine Reader Protein Spindlin1. ChemMedChem. [Epub ahead of print]

Ostrovskyi D., Rumpf T., Eib J., Lumbroso A., Slynko I., Klaeger S., Heinzlmeir S., Forster M., Gehringer M., Pfaffenrot E., Bauer S.M., Schmidtkunz K., Wenzler S., Metzger E., Kuster B., Laufer S., Schüle R., Sippl W., Breit B., Jung M. (2016). Tofacitinib and analogs as inhibitors of the histone kinase PRK1 (PKN1). Future Med Chem. 8(13):1537-51.

Morera L., Roatsch M., Fürst M.C., Hoffmann I., Senger J., Hau M., Franz H., Schüle R., Heinrich M.R., Jung M. (2016). 4-Biphenylalanine- and 3-Phenyltyrosine-Derived Hydroxamic Acids as Inhibitors of the JumonjiC-Domain-Containing Histone Demethylase KDM4A. ChemMedChem. 11(18):2063-2083.

Slynko I., Schmidtkunz K., Rumpf T., Klaeger S., Heinzlmeir S., Najar A., Metzger E., Kuster B., Schüle R., Jung M., Sippl W. (2016). Identification of Highly Potent Protein Kinase C-Related Kinase 1 Inhibitors by Virtual Screening, Binding Free Energy Rescoring, and in vitro Testing. ChemMedChem. 11(18):2084-2094.

Wu X., Schneider N., Platen A., Mitra I., Blazek M., Zengerle R., Schüle R., Meier M. (2016). In situ characterization of the mTORC1 during adipogenesis of human adult stem cells on chip. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 113(29):E4143-4150.

Hügle M., Lucas X., Weitzel G., Ostrovskyi D., Breit B., Gerhardt S., Schmidtkunz K., Jung M., Schüle R., Einsle O., Günther S., Wohlwend D. (2016). Preparation data of the bromodomains BRD3(1), BRD3(2), BRD4(1), and BRPF1B and crystallization of BRD4(1)-inhibitor complexes. Data Brief. 7:1370-1374.

Roatsch M., Robaa D., Pippel M., Nettleship J.E., Reddivari Y., Bird L.E., Hoffmann I., Franz H., Owens R.J., Schüle R., Flaig R., Sippl W., Jung M. (2016). Substituted 2-(2-aminopyrimidin-4-yl)pyridine-4-carboxylates as potent inhibitors of JumonjiC domain-containing histone demethylases. Future Med Chem. 8(13):1553-1571.

Wagner T., Greschik H., Burgahn T., Schmidtkunz K., Schott A.K., McMillan J., Baranauskienė L., Xiong Y., Fedorov O., Jin J., Oppermann U., Matulis D., Schüle R., Jung M. (2016). Identification of a small-molecule ligand of the epigenetic reader protein Spindlin1 via a versatile screening platform. Nucleic Acids Res. 44(9):e88.

Ancelin K., Syx L., Borensztein M., Ranisavljevic N., Vassilev I., Briseño-Roa L., Liu T., Metzger E., Servant N., Barillot E., Chen C.J., Schüle R., Heard E. (2016). Maternal LSD1/KDM1A is an essential regulator of chromatin and transcription landscapes during zygotic genome activation. Elife  2: 5.

Metzger E., Willmann D., McMillan J., Forne I., Metzger P., Gerhardt S., Petroll K., von Maessenhausen A., Urban S., Schott A.K., Espejo A., Eberlin A., Wohlwend D., Schule K.M., Schleicher M., Perner S., Bedford M.T., Jung M., Dengjel J., Flaig R., Imhof A., Einsle O., Schüle R. (2016). Assembly of methylated KDM1A and CHD1 drives androgen receptor-dependent transcription and translocation. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 23(2): 132-139.

Franz H., Greschik H., Willmann D., Ozretic L., Jilg C.A., Wardelmann E., Jung M., Buettner R., Schüle R. (2015). The histone code reader SPIN1 controls RET signaling in liposarcoma. Oncotarget 6 (7), 4773-4789.    

Al-Nomani L, Friedrichs J, Schüle R, Büttner R, Friedrichs N. (2015). Tumoral expression of nuclear cofactor FHL2 is associated with lymphatic metastasis in sporadic but not in HNPCC-associated colorectal cancer. (2015). Pathol. Res. Pract. 211 (2), 171-174.

Fedorov O., Castex J., Tallant C., Owen D.R., Martin S., Aldeghi M., Monteiro O., Filippakopoulos P., Picaud S., Trzupek J.D., Gerstenberger B.S., Bountra C., Willmann D., Wells C., Philpott M., Rogers C., Biggin P.C., Brennan P.E., Bunnage M.E., Schüle R., Günther T., Knapp S., Muller S. (2015). Selective targeting of the BRG/PB1 bromodomains impairs embryonic and trophoblast stem cell maintenance. Sci. Adv. 2015; 1 (10), e1500723-e1500723. 

Krönig M., Walter M., Drendel V., Werner M., Jilg C.A., Richter A.S., Backofen R., McGarry D., Follo M., Schultze-Seemann W., Schule R. (2015). Cell type specific gene expression analysis of prostate needle biopsies resolves tumor tissue heterogeneity. Oncotarget. 6 (2), 1302-1314.

Rönsch K., Jägle S., Rose K., Seidl M., Baumgartner F., Freihen V., Yousaf A., Metzger E., Lassmann S., Schüle R., Zeiser R., Michoel T., Hecht A. (2015). SNAIL1 combines competitive displacement of ASCL2 and epigenetic mechanisms to rapidly silence the EPHB3 tumor suppressor in colorectal cancer. Mol. Oncol. 9 (2), 335-354.

Ruger N., Roatsch M., Emmrich T., Franz H., Schüle R., Jung M., Link A. (2015). Tetrazolylhydrazides as Selective Fragment-Like Inhibitors of the JumonjiC-Domain-Containing Histone Demethylase KDM4A. Chemmedchem. 10 (11), 1875-1883.

Westphal P., Mauch C., Florin A., Czerwitzki J., Olligschlager N., Wodtke C., Schule R., Buttner R., Friedrichs N. (2015). Enhanced FHL2 and TGF-beta1 Expression Is Associated With Invasive Growth and Poor Survival in Malignant Melanomas. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 143 (2), 248-56.

Friedrichs J., Fink D., Mauch C., Kindler D., Hartmann W., Schüle R., Buettner R., Friedrichs N. (2015). TGF-β1-dependent induction and nuclear translocation of FHL2 promotes keratin expression in pilomatricoma. Virchows Arch.  466 (2), 199-208.

Jilg C.A., Ketscher A., Metzger E., Hummel B., Willmann D., Rüsseler V., Drendel V., Imhof A., Jung M., Franz H., Hölz S., Krönig M., Müller J.M., Schüle R. (2014). PRK1/PKN1 controls migration and metastasis of androgen-independent prostate cancer cells. Oncotarget.  5(24), 12646-64.

Ketscher A., Jilg C.A., Willmann D., Hummel B., Imhof A., Rüsseler V., Hölz S., Metzger E, Müller J.M., Schüle R. (2014). LSD1 controls metastasis of androgen-independent prostate cancer cells through PXN and LPAR6. Oncogenesis  3: e120.

Duteil D., Metzger E., Willmann D., Karagianni P., Friedrichs N., Greschik H., Günther T., Buettner R., Talianidis I., Metzger D., Schüle R. (2014). LSD1 promotes oxidative metabolism of white adipose tissue. Nat. Commun. 5:4093.

Cai C., He H.H., Gao S., Chen S., Yu Z., Gao Y., Chen S., Chen M.W., Zhang J., Ahmed M., Wang Y., Metzger E., Schüle R., Liu X.S., Brown M., Balk S.P. (2014). Lysine-specific demethylase 1 has dual functions as a major regulator of androgen receptor transcriptional activity. Cell Rep. 9(5), 1618-27.

Heyne K., Förster J., Schüle R., Roemer K. (2014). Transcriptional repressor NIR interacts with the p53-inhibiting ubiquitin ligase MDM2. Nucleic Acids Res. 42 (6), 3565-3579.

Pohlkamp T., Steller L., May P., Günther T., Schüle R., Frotscher M., Herz J., Bock H.H. (2014). Generation and characterization of an Nse-CreERT2 transgenic line suitable for inducible gene manipulation in cerebellar granule cells. Plos One 9 (6), e100384-e100384.

Slynko I., Scharfe M., Rumpf T., Eib J., Metzger E., Schüle R., Jung M., Sippl W. (2014.) Virtual screening of PRK1 inhibitors: ensemble docking, rescoring using binding free energy calculation and QSAR model development. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 54 (1), 138-150.

Ray S.K., Li H.J., Metzger E., Schüle R., Leiter A.B. (2014). CtBP and Associated LSD1 are Required for Transcriptional Activation by NeuroD1 in Gastrointestinal Endocrine Cells. Mol Cell Biol. 34(12), 2308-17.

Schmitt, M.L., Ladwein, K.I., Carlino, L., Schulz-Fincke, J., Willmann, D., Metzger, E., Schilcher, P., Imhof, A., Schüle, R., Sippl, W. and Jung, M. (2014). Heterogeneous antibody based activity assay for lysine specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) on a histone peptide substrate. J. Biomol. Screen 19(6), 973-978.

Nam, H.J., Boo, K., Kim, D.H., Choe, H.K., Kim, C.R., Sun, W., Kim, H., Kim, K., Lee, H., Schüle, R., Yoo, S-H., Takahashi, J.S., Cho, S., Son, G.H. and Baek, S.H. (2014). Phosphorylation of LSD1 by PKCa Is Crucial for Circadian Rhythmicity and Phase Resetting. Mol. Cell 53, 791-805.  

Zhu, D., Hölz, S., Metzger, E., Pavlovic, M., Jandausch, A., Jilg, C., Galgoczy, P., Herz, C., Moser, M., Metzger, D., Günther, T., Arnold, S.J. and Schüle, R. (2014). Lsd1 regulates differentiation onset and migration of trophoblast stem cells Nat. Commun. 5, 3174-3184.  

Heyne, K., Förster, J., Schüle, R. and Roemer. K. (2014). Transcriptional repressor NIR interacts with the p53-inhibiting ubiquitin ligase MDM2. Nucleic Acids Res. 42, 3565-79.  

Slynko, I., Scharfe, M., Rumpf, T., Eib, J., Metzger, E., Schüle, R., Jung, M. and  Sippl, W. (2014). Virtual Screening of PRK1 Inhibitors: Ensemble Docking, RescoringUsing Binding Free Energy Calculation and QSAR Model Development. J Chem Inf Model. 54, 138-50.

Lucas, X., Wohlwend, D., Hügle, M., Schmidtkunz, K., Gerhardt, S., Schüle, R., Jung, M., Einsle, O. and Günther, S. (2013). 4-acyl pyrroles: Mimicking acetylated lysines in histone code reading. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 52, 14055-14059.  

Schmitt, M.L., Hauser, A.T., Carlino, L., Pippel, M., Schulz-Fincke, J., Metzger, E., Willmann, D., Yiu, T., Barton, M., Schüle, R., Sippl, W. and Jung, M. (2013). Nonpeptidic propargy-lamines as inhibitors of lysine specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) with cellular activity. J Med Chem. 56, 7334-7342.  

Brun, J., Dieudonné, F.X., Marty, C., Müller, J., Schüle, R., Patiño-García, A., Lecanda, F., Fromigué, O. and Marie, P.J. (2013). FHL2 silencing reduces Wnt signaling and osteosarcoma tumorigenesis in vitro and in vivo. PLoS One 8(1):e55034. Epub 2013 Jan 28.  

Sprüssel, A., Schulte, J.H., Weber, S., Necke, M., Händschke, K., Thor, T., Pajtler, K.W., Schramm, A., König, K., Diehl, L., Mestdagh, P., Vandesompele, J., Speleman, F., Jastrow, H., Heukamp, L.C., Schüle, R., Dührsen, U., Buettner, R., Eggert, A. and Göthert, J.R. (2012). Lysine-specific demethylase 1 restricts hematopoietic progenitor proliferation and is essential for terminal differentiation. Leukemia 26, 2039-2051.

Köhler, J., Erlenkamp, G., Eberlin, A., Rumpf, T., Slynko, I., Metzger, E., Schüle, R., Sippl, W. and Jung. M. (2012). Lestaurtinib inhibits histone phosphorylation and androgen-dependent gene expression in prostate cancer cells. PLoS One 7(4):e34973. Epub 2012 Apr 20.

Ibrahim, S.A, Yip, G.W., Stock, C., Pan, J.W., Neubauer, C., Poeter, M., Pupjalis, D., Koo, C.Y., Kelsch, R, Schüle, R., Rescher, U., Kiesel, L. and Götte, M. (2012). Targeting of syndecan-1 by microRNA miR-10b promotes breast cancer cell motility and invasiveness via a Rho-GTPase- and E-cadherin-dependent mechanism. Int. J. Cancer 131, 884-896.  

Willmann, D., Lim, S., Wetzel, S., Metzger, E., Jandausch, A., Wilk, W., Jung, M., Forne, I., Imhof, A., Janzer, A., Kirfel, J., Waldmann, H., Schule, R., Buettner, R. (2012). Impairment of prostate cancer cell growth by a selective and reversible lysine-specific demethylase 1 inhibitor. Int J Cancer. 131, 2704-9.

Kaufmann, K.B., Gründer, A., Hadlich, T., Wehrle, J., Gothwal, M., Bogeska, R., Seeger, T.S., Kayser, S., Pham, K.B., Jutzi, J.S., Ganzenmüller, L., Steinemann, D., Schlegelberger, B., Wagner, J.M., Jung, M., Will, B., Steidl, U., Aumann, K., Werner, M., Günther, T., Schule, R., Rambaldi, A., Pahl, H.L. (2012). A novel murine model of myeloproliferative disorders generated by overexpression of the transcription factor NF-E2. J Exp Med. 209, 35-50.

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Bissinger, E.M., Heinke, R., Spannhoff, A., Eberlin, A., Metzger, E., Cura, V., Hassenboehler, P., Cavarelli, J., Schule, R., Bedford, M.T., et al. (2011). Acyl derivatives of p-aminosulfonamides and dapsone as new inhibitors of the arginine methyltransferase hPRMT1. Bioorg Med Chem 19, 3717-3731.

Arampatzidou, M., Mayer, K., Iolyeva, M.E., Asrat, S.G., Ravichandran, M., Günther, T., Schüle, R., Reinheckel, T. and Brix, K. (2011). Studies of intestinal morphology and cathepsin B expression in a transgenic mouse aiming at intestine-specific expression of Cath B-EGFP. Biol. Chem. 392, 983-993.

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Rafael, M.S., Laize, V., Bensimon-Brito, A., Leite, R.B., Schule, R., and Cancela, M.L. (2012). Four-and-a-half LIM domains protein 2 (FHL2) is associated with the development of craniofacial musculature in the teleost fish Sparus aurata. Cell Mol Life Sci. 69, 423-34.

Schildhaus, H.U., Riegel, R., Hartmann, W., Steiner, S., Wardelmann, E., Merkelbach-Bruse, S., Tanaka, S., Sonobe, H., Schule, R., Buettner, R., et al. (2011). Lysine-specific demethylase 1 is highly expressed in solitary fibrous tumors, synovial sarcomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, desmoplastic small round cell tumors, and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Hum Pathol 42, 1667-1675.

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Spira D, Stypmann J, Tobin DJ, Petermann I, Mayer C, Haggemann S, Vasiljeva O, Gunther T, Schule R, Peters C, Reinheckel T. (2007). Cell type-specific functions of the lysosomal protease cathepsin L in the heart. J Biol Chem. J Biol Chem. 282, 37045-37052.

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Nair SS, Guo Z, Mueller JM, Koochekpour S, Qiu Y, Tekmal RR, Schule R, Kung HJ, Kumar R, Vadlamudi RK. (2007). Proline-, glutamic acid-, and leucine-rich protein-1/modulator of nongenomic activity of estrogen receptor enhances androgen receptor functions through LIM-only coactivator, four-and-a-half LIM-only protein. Mol Endocrinol. 21, 613-24.

Wixler V, Hirner S, Muller JM, Gullotti L, Will C, Kirfel J, Gunther T, Schneider H, Bosserhoff A, Schorle H, Park J, Schule R, Buettner R. (2007). Deficiency in the LIM-only protein Fhl2 impairs skin wound healing. J Cell Biol. 177, 163-72.

Wissmann M, Yin N, Mueller JM, Greschik H, Fodor BD, Jenuwein T, Vogler C, Schneider R, Guenther T, Buettner R, Metzger E, Schuele R (2007). Co-operative demethylation by JMJD2C and LSD1 promotes androgen receptor-dependent gene expression. Nat Cell Biol. 9, 347-353.

Nair SS, Guo Z, Müller JM, Koochekapour S, Qiu Y, Tekmal RR, Schüle R, Kung HJ, Kumar R, Vadlamundi RK. (2007) PELP1/MNAR enhances androgen receptor functions through LIM-only coactivator FHL2. Mol Endocrinol. 21, 613-624.

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Full Professor and Scientific Director

Roland Schuele, PhD

  • Department of Urology
  • Head of Center for Clinical Research

University Freiburg Medical Center
Breisacherstrasse 66
D-79106 Freiburg
