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Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg - CCCF

Center for Multiple Myeloma

Dear patients!

Multiple Myeloma is the second most common blood cancer disease in adults. The risk of developing the disease increases with increasing age. The median age of onset is 70 years. Multiple myeloma significantly impairs quality of life through bone pain, organ dysfunction, and chronic fatigue. Treatment therefore requires interdisciplinary collaboration. Patients today have the chance to live well with the disease.

Outpatient Department and Consultation Hours



Central outpatient hotline at the Interdisciplinary Tumor Center ITZ: Telephone: +49 (0)761 270-35555
Registration for appointments at the Center for Multiple Myeloma: Telephone: +49 (0)761 270-71580
Consultation hour for multiple myeloma / plasmacytoma:
Prof. Dr. Monika Engelhardt: Telephone: +49 (0)761 270-32460

Interdisciplinary Tumor Center
Hugstetter Str. 53
79106 Freiburg


The Center for Multiple Myeloma regularly holds informational events for patients: Find out more. Moreover, the Department of Medicine I regularly holds events for doctors, nurses, patients, family members, and the interested public. 


Support groups for people with the same disease are an opportunity to exchange information and experiences independently without professional guidance as well as to give and receive emotional support. Find out more (in German)
Members of support groups are experts in matters that affect them personally and often possess a high degree of “lay competence.” Your regional support group (in German)


Diagnosis, Treatment, & Trials

We strive to provide a directed diagnosis and therapy, which we discuss in our multiple myeloma board with internists, radiologists, orthopedists, radiotherapists, pathologists, biologists, and other specialists. The standard methods for treating multiple myeloma are chemotherapy, genetic therapy, and radiation therapy. For patients of up to around 70 years, chemotherapy is usually followed by a stem cell transplantation (in German). Our treatment endeavors to achieve a good balance between response to therapy and maintenance of quality of life. Very many of our patients experience a complete remission that lasts for years. A tightly knit regimen of follow-up examinations after therapy is absolutely essential.


Around one-third of our patients participate in trials on the development of new therapies and maintenance of quality of life.

Find out more (in German)



Prof. Dr. Monika Engelhardt
Telephone: +49 (0)761 270-32460

Dr. Cornelius Miething
Telefon +49(0)761 270-71830

Ph.D Nikolaos Karantzelis

9th Freiburg Patient and Family Forum on 26.11.2022

On November 26, 2022, the 9th Freiburg Patient and Family Forum took place under the direction of Prof. Dr. Monika Engelhardt, reporting on current developments, findings and therapies in the treatment of hematological and oncological tumor diseases. The film offers an interesting insight into the successful day. 

Bitte akzeptieren Sie Youtube um dieses Video anzuschauen.

Clinical Pathway
Multiple Myeloma Conference




When: Monday, 3:30 p.m.
Where: Interdisciplinary Tumor Center ITZ, R.00.153
Boardleitung: Prof. Dr. Monika Engelhardt

  0761 270 32460


Registration deadline: Monday, 10 a.m.
2 continuing education credits from the Baden-Württemberg State Medical Association

More information

Certificate from the German Cancer Society


Guidelines for patients

S3 Guidelines for Multiple Myeloma (in German)


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