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Institute of Nursing Science


Ronja Pazouki and Jonas Schäfer Share Their Experiences as IPW Coordinators

Since March 2022, Ronja Pazouki and Jonas Schäfer have been diligently coordinating the Bachelor's program in Nursing Science at the Institute of Nursing Science (IPW). In the latest edition of amPuls, the magazine of the IPW, they provide captivating insights into their responsibilities on page 4.

amPuls 1/2023

Creative Future Workshop

March 2023:

As part of the DIKOMED-BW project, the "Creative Future Workshop" was launched, a two-day workshop aimed at master's students exploring the intersection of digitization in healthcare and emerging technologies. The workshop had a dual purpose of promoting a positive attitude towards the advancing digital transformation, while also dispelling any reservations or concerns that students may have had towards these new technologies. The students were encouraged to learn how to view these new technologies as opportunities and to evaluate them critically.

Led by Tim Bertsche and Barbara Kuhnert from the IPW, participants worked in small groups to generate innovative ideas on how digital technologies could be applied in the healthcare sector. On the second day of the workshop, students presented their ideas and conducted an ethical evaluation of these new technologies using the Meesatar model, alongside the workshop leaders. The event generated significant interest and fostered discussion about both the potential benefits and risks of emerging technologies in healthcare.

Embracing Cultural Exchange: University of Adelaide Students Engage in Cross-Cultural Nursing Study Tour

In February 2023:

The IPW is pleased to welcome nine students from Australia, all in their final year of their Bachelor of Nursing degree at the University of Adelaide. As part of a study tour, the students were led through an interesting and varied program for two weeks. In addition to cultural insights in and around Freiburg, the students attended selected lectures.

On the morning of February 15th, 2023, a seminar on cross-cultural communication took place. The seminar was led by Australian colleague Elizabeth Tollenarere, with support from Dr. Katie Sworn and Carolin Barthel from the Institute of Nursing Science. Both the Australian exchange students and students from the Master’s program in Nursing Science (1st semester) participated in the seminar. The seminar went from general exchange about the various definitions and aspects of culture, to naming and deconstructing German and Australian stereotypes, to naming the cultural commonality of the group: practicing a nursing profession. Finally, various questions about the nursing profession were discussed using the transcultural approach. The quintessence: Every person belongs to various cultural (sub)groups (age, education, nationality, ethnicity, religion, leisure activities, profession, etc.), and there are also differences in training and everyday professional life for nurses in Germany and Australia. Nevertheless, the seminar participants agreed on what constitutes good care and what are the most important tasks for caregivers. Through the seminar, students learned to apply transcultural communication techniques and to understand differences between individual cultural groups not as an obstacle but as a basis for common interaction.

A visit to the University of Washington

At the beginning of February 2023, the head of the institute Prof. Dr. Kugler and the research associate Mrs. Bonaszewski visited colleagues from the School of Nursing der University of Washington in Seattle. The cooperation between the two locations has been in place for more than five years and will be further intensified and expanded in the future. Currently there are courses offered by our colleague Prof. Belza from Seattle at the institute. The focus is on community nursing and leadership. Students from the University of Washington were also present during the visit.

One of the students captured the exchange in form of a drawing. The artist: Lalipat is a master’s prepared nurse who is board certified as an Adult and Geriatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner.  She is in the first year of the University of Washington PhD in Nursing Science program. Her research interests are in healthy aging. She recently had accepted a guest editorial for the Journal of Gerontological Nursing titled “Are patients who are unconscious able to understand and perceive their environment? An Existential Perspective of Providing Care for Patients Who are Unconscious.”