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Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg - CCCF

Support for Junior Researchers

Continuing Education and Degree Programs

Junior researchers in the area of translational oncology receive targeted support in Freiburg through a multitude of programs and measures. They include the following:

  • a BSc/MSc degree program in Molecular Medicine,
  • MOTI-VATE, a structured doctoral program leading to the degree of Dr. med.,
  • an MD/PhD program organized by the DFG-funded Spemann Graduate School SGBM,
  • a PhD program within the context of the Molecular Medicine degree program, and
  • SUCCESS (German language), a structured physician scientist program.  

The Faculty of Medicine has successfully established the EIRA mentoring program for doctors and junior medical researchers and the MuT program for in-service support and promotion of highly qualified young female researchers in Baden-Württemberg.

Workshops on career-related topics with external trainers are planned within the context of the collaborative research centers SFB 850 and SFB 992. Equal opportunity measures are being implemented in SFBs 850 and 992 with support from the Equal Opportunity Office of the Faculty of Medicine.

The CCCF participates in the German Cancer Consortium’s School of Oncology.