EuCC History
The EuCC was founded on 8th July 1992 following an initiative by Prof. Dr. Obrecht (Basel) and Prof. Dr. R. Mertelsmann (Freiburg). Further important persons in the early years were Prof. Dr. Herrmann (Basel), Prof. Dr. P. Dufour and Prof. Dr. J.P. Bergerat (Strasbourg). Founding president was Prof. Obrecht.
Paul Basset Award
The Paul Basset medal and award are dedicated to the late Prof. Paul Basset, former director of the Institut de Chemie Biologique Strasbourg University. The EuCC awards the Paul Basset Medal for outstanding contributions to the advancement of the EuCC.
The first Paul Basset Laureate was Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Obrecht, Director emeritus of the Department of Internal Medicine/Oncology of the Kantonsspital Basel. His initiative and dedication have contributed decisively to the founding and continuation of the EuCC.
In addition, the EuCC bestowes the Paul Basset Award at the annual EuCC symposium for the best presentation and / or the best poster by a junior scientist (< 35 years).
The Paul Basset Awards is dotated with € 500.