Patient information
Dear patients,
With expert application, complementary medical procedures can contribute significantly to improving or curing various diseases and disorders. Which procedures are suitable for you and how they should best be applied depends on your individual constitution and condition, and are selected accordingly. The current scientific knowledge and the possibilities offered by mainstream medicine are always considered. At the University Center for Complementary Medicine, physicians on the one hand have special training and experience in the area of mainstream medicine.
In particular these include:
- General medicine
- Internal medicine
- Psychosomatic and Environmental medicine
On the other hand, the physicians are specially trained in natural and complementary medicine:
- Acupuncture and traditional Chinese Medicine
- Anthroposophical medicine
- Blood letting
- Chinese dietetics
- Cupping
- Homeopathy
- Leech therapy
- Movement therapy
- Neural therapy
- Pain therapy
- Physical therapy
- Phytotherapy
Statutory health insurance funds do not fully support complementary health care, for which reason some treatments must be paid privately on an individual basis. Our prices are set in accordance with the official scale of medical fees for doctors and dentists. Full list available on enquiry. Because of our affiliation with the Medical Centre’s polyclinic, we are able to provide medical procedures (laboratory, instrument-based diagnostics etc.) that are covered by statutory medical insurance. Please bring a letter of referral from your general practitioner.

Prof. Dr. med. Roman Huber
FA für Innere Medizin, Gastroenterologie, Zusatzausbildung in Naturheilverfahren, Akupunktur, Ernährungsbeauftragter Arzt, Anthroposophische Medizin (GAÄD)
Claudia Hornecker
Marion Kramer
Margrit Berg
- Montag 9:00 - 14:00 Uhr
- Dienstag 9:00 - 15:00 Uhr
- Mittwoch 9:00 - 14:00 Uhr
- Donnerstag 9:00 - 15:00 Uhr
- Freitag 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Tel.: ++49 (0) 7 61 / 2 70 82 01 0
Fax: ++49 (0) 7 61 / 2 70 83 23 0
Theodor von Frerichs Haus
79106 Freiburg