Centrum for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC, liver cancer) is the sixth most common tumor disease in the world. It generally develops on the basis of a previously damaged liver – a liver cirrhosis is already present in over 80% of cases. The cirrhosis is often caused by a chronic hepatitis B or C viral infection or longstanding alcoholism. In recent years, an increasing amount of HCCs based on fatty liver disease (so-called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, NASH) have been detected. Patients with liver cirrhosis have a significantly increased risk of HCC, and it is thus recommended for these patients to receive an examination including an ultrasound every six months.
HCC Outpatient Clinic of the Gerok Liver Center:
Phone: 0761/270-33080
Fax: 0761/270-34470
Surgical Liver Consultation:
Phone: 0761/270-24440
Radiation therapy consultation hours:
Phone: 0761/270-94620
Nuclear Medicine Clinic:
Phone: 0761/270-39910
Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology:
Phone: 0761/270-38580

When: Monday, 4 p.m.
Where: Small lecture hall, medicine
Board Management: PD Dr. Michael Schultheiß
0761 270-36140
Registration deadline: Friday, 12 noon