Zu den Inhalten springen


Prof. Dr. Andreas Schulze-Bonhage
Secretariat: Larissa Sperandio
Phone number: 0761 270-53660
E-Mail: larissa.sperandio@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Publications: Pubmed List

Section epileptic diagnosis for children and adolescents

Dr. Kerstin Alexandra Klotz
Specialist of neuropediatrics
Phone number: 0761 270-53910/ 50380
E-mail: kerstin.alexandra.klotz@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Publications: PubMed List

Dr. Victoria San Antonio Arce
Pediatric Neurologist
Phone number 0761 270-53660/ 50380
E-mail: victoria.san.antonio@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Publications: PubMed List

Freiburg Epilepsy Center

- Epilepsy Center

Medical Director:
Prof. Dr. Schulze-Bonhage

Breisacher Str. 64
D-79106 Freiburg

Phone: +49 761 270 53660
Fax: +49 761 270 50030

International Medical Service (IMS)

Robert-Koch-Str. 1
79106 Freiburg

Phone: +49 761 / 27 01 93 06 (English)
+49 761 / 27 08 4710 (по-русски)
Fax: +49 761 / 27 01 93 10
Internet: www.ims.uniklinik-freiburg.de