Center for Big Data Analysis in Cardiology
Zielsetzung von CeBAC
Das „Center for Big Data Analysis in Cardiology“ (CeBAC) ist ein Zusammenschluss aus interventionellen Kardiologen und Statistikern, um den gesundheitspolitischen Nutzen neuer und etablierter Therapieverfahren durch Analyse großer Datensätzen aus der klinischen Praxis zu bewerten. Insbesondere im Feld der interventionellen Kardiologie mit hoher Innovationskraft ist eine wissenschaftliche Bewertung des klinischen und gesundheitsökonomischen Nutzen neuer Verfahren sehr wichtig.
Um dies zu erreichen, hat das CeBAC folgende Ziele und Aufgaben:
- Interdisziplinäre Plattform zur Analyse großer klinischer Datensätze mit Fokus auf die klinische Kardiologie.
- Zusammenführen medizinischer und ökonomischer Kompetenz im Kontext gesundheitspolitischer Fragestellungen.
- Bewertung des klinischen und gesundheitsökonomischen Nutzens neuer und etablierter Therapieverfahren.
- Analyse der Innovationsdiffusion neuer Therapieverfahren.
- Bearbeitung gesundheitsökonomischer Fragestellungen der stationären Versorgung.
- Unterstützung der medizinischen Entscheidungsfindung durch Entwicklung von Deep-Learning Strategien.
- Schnittstellenfunktion bei der Ausbildung von Studenten und Wissenschaftlern im Bereich von Big Data Analysen.
Als interdisziplinäre Plattform zur Analyse großer klinischer Datensätze, ist das Team um CeBAC an wissenschaftlichen Kooperation auch über die Kardiologie hinaus interessiert. Bei Fragen oder Anmerkungen rund um CeBAC oder Interesse an wissenschaftlichen Kooperationen kontaktieren Sie uns per Email:

Prof. Dr. med. Constantin von zur Mühlen
Sekretariat Diana Selig
0761 270-34415
0761 270-34426

PD Dr. med. Alexander Maier
FA Innere Medizin, Zusatzbezeichnung Notfallmedizin

Dr. rer. pol. Klaus Kaier
Telefon: 0761/203-6807
Telefax: 0761/203-6711

Dr. med. Philipp Albrecht

Dr. med. Adrian Heidenreich

PD Dr. med. Markus Jäckel
FA Innere Medizin und Kardiologie, Zusatzbezeichnung Notfallmedizin

Dr. med. Vera Oettinger, M.Sc.
FÄ Innere Medizin, Zusatzbezeichnung Notfallmedizin, Sportmedizin
Es besteht eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Freiburger Zentrum für Datenanalyse und Modellbildung, dem Zentrum Klinische Studien und dem Freiburger Datenintegrationszentrum des Konsortiums MIRACUM: Medizininformatik in Forschung und Versorgung in der Universitätsmedizin
Staudacher, D.L., L. Heine, J. Rilinger, A. Maier, F.A. Rottmann, V. Zotzmann, K. Kaier, P.M. Biever, A. Supady, D. Westermann, T. Wengenmayer und M. Jäckel (2024): Impact of sedation depth on neurological outcome in post-cardiac arrest patients - A retrospective cohort study. Resuscitation 205:110456.
Kaier, K., A. Heidenreich, M. Jäckel, V. Oettinger, A. Maier, I. Hilgendorf, P. Breitbart, T. Hartikainen, T. Keller, D. Westermann und C. von zur Mühlen (2024): Reweighting and validation of the hospital frailty risk score using electronic health records in Germany: a retrospective observational study. BMC Geriatrics 24:517.
Olivier, C.B., L. Struß, N. Sünnen, K. Kaier, L.A. Heger, D. Westermann, J.J. Meerpohl und K.W. Mahaffey (2024): Accuracy of Event Rate and Effect Size Estimation in Major Cardiovascular Trials: A Systematic Review. JAMA Netw Open 7(4):e248818.
Maier, A., K. Kaier, T. Heidt, D. Westermann, C. von zur Mühlen und S. Grundmann (2024): Catheter based left atrial appendage closure in-hospital outcomes in Germany from 2016 to 2020. Clinical Research in Cardiology 113(10):1419-1429.
Rilinger, J., R. Book, K. Kaier, M. Giani, B. Fumagalli, M. Jäckel, X. Bemtgen, V. Zotzmann, P.M Biever, G. Foti, D. Westermann, P.M. Lepper, A. Supady, D.L. Staudacher und T. Wengenmayer (2024): A Mortality Prediction Score for Patients With Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (VV-ECMO): The PREDICT VV-ECMO Score. Asaio Journal 70(4):293-298.
Oettinger, V., K. Kaier, C. von Zur Mühlen, M. Zehender, C. Bode, F. Beyersdorf, P. Stachon und W. Bothe (2024): Impact of Procedure Volume on the Outcomes of Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 72(03):173-180.
Al Said, S., K. Kaier, W. Sumaya, D. Alsaid, D. Duerschmied, R.F. Storey, C.M. Gibson, D. Westermann und S. Alabed (2024): Non-vitamin-K-antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) after acute myocardial infarction: a network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024(1):CD014678.
Oettinger, V., I. Hilgendorf, D. Wolf, J. Rilinger, A. Maier, M. Zehender, D. Westermann, K. Kaier und C. von Zur Mühlen (2024): Comparing balloon-expandable and self-expanding transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement based on subgroups in Germany 2019/2020. Clinical Research in Cardiology 113(1):168-176.
Haverkamp, C., K. Kaier, M. Shah, C. von Zur Mühlen, J. Beck, H. Urbach und S. Meckel (2024): Cerebral aneurysms: Germany-wide real-world outcome data of endovascular or neurosurgical treatment from 2007 to 2019. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery 16(4):365-371.
Elzomor, H., T.J. Neumann, L. Boas, P. Ruile, M. Abdelshafy, A. Elkoumy, P.C. Revaiah, T.-Y. Tsai, K. Kaier, O. Soliman, M. Ferenc, D. Westermann, F.-J. Neumann, P. Serruys und S. Schoechlin (2024): Association between three-year mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation and paravalvular regurgitation graded by videodensitometry in comparison with visual grading. Clinical Research in Cardiology 113(1):116-125.
Bemtgen, X., K. Kaier, J. Rilinger, F. Rottmann, A. Supady, C. von Zur Mühlen, D. Westermann, T. Wengenmayer und D.L. Staudacher (2024): Myocarditis mortality with and without COVID-19: insights from a national registry. Clinical Research in Cardiology 113(2):216-222.
Oettinger, V., P. Hehn, C. Bode, M. Zehender, C. von Zur Mühlen, D. Westermann, P. Stachon und K. Kaier (2023): Center Volumes Correlate with Likelihood of Stent Implantation in German Coronary Angiography. Journal of Interventional Cardiology 3723657.
Roth, K., K. Kaier, P. Stachon, C. von Zur Mühlen, P. Jungmann, J. Grimm, M. Klar, I. Juhasz-Böss und F.A. Taran (2023): Evolving trends in the surgical therapy of patients with endometrial cancer in Germany: analysis of a nationwide registry with special emphasis on perioperative outcomes. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 308(5):1635-1640.
Oettinger, V., I. Hilgendorf, D. Wolf, P. Stachon, A. Heidenreich, M. Zehender, D. Westermann, K. Kaier und C. von Zur Mühlen (2023): Treatment of pure aortic regurgitation using surgical or transcatheter aortic valve replacement between 2018 and 2020 in Germany. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 10:1091983.
Heidenreich, A., P. Stachon, V. Oettinger, I. Hilgendorf, T. Heidt, J. Rilinger, M. Zehender, D. Westermann, C. von Zur Mühlen und K. Kaier (2023): Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aortic valve replacement procedures in Germany. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 23(1):187.
Bacmeister, L., P. Breitbart, K. Sobolewska, K. Kaier, F. Rahimi, N. Löffelhardt, C. Valina, F.J. Neumann, D. Westermann und M. Ferenc (2023): Planned versus unplanned rotational atherectomy for plaque modification in severely calcified coronary lesions. Clinical Research in Cardiology 112(9):1252-1262.
Heidenreich, A., K. Kaier, C. Bode, M. Zehender, C. von Zur Mühlen, D. Duerschmied, T. Wengenmayer, P. Stachon und A. Supady (2023): Survival of Patients Treated with Extracorporeal Hemoadsorption and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Results from a Nation-Wide Registry. Asaio Journal 69(3):339-343.
Oettinger, V., P. Stachon, I. Hilgendorf, A. Heidenreich, M. Zehender, D. Westermann, K. Kaier und C. von Zur Mühlen (2023): COVID-19 pandemic affects STEMI numbers and in-hospital mortality: results of a nationwide analysis in Germany. Clinical Research in Cardiology 112(4):550-557.
Piepenburg, S.M., M. Maslarska, G. Freund, K. Kaier, C. von Zur Mühlen, D. Westermann und C. Hehrlein (2023): Weakness of lower limb muscle in symptomatic peripheral artery disease with media sclerosis detected by ultrasound shear wave elastography. Vasa - Journal of Vascular Diseases 12(1):17483.
Oettinger, V., A. Heidenreich, K. Kaier, M. Zehender, C. Bode, D. Duerschmied, C. von Zur Mühlen, D. Westermann und P. Stachon (2022): Hospital intervention volume affects outcomes of emergency transcatheter aortic valve implantations in Germany. Scientific Reports 12(1):17483.
Jäckel, M., K. Kaier, J. Rilinger, X. Bemtgen, V. Zotzmann, M. Zehender, C. von Zur Mühlen, P. Stachon, C. Bode, T. Wengenmayer und D.L. Staudacher (2022): Annual hospital procedural volume and outcome in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for respiratory failure. Artificial Organs 46(12):2469-2477.
Hummel, J., K. Kaier, P. Stachon, J. Grohmann, A. Asmussen, M. Welzel, C. von Zur Mühlen, F.A. Kari, M. Zehender, B. Stiller, C. Bode und S. Grundmann (2022): In-Hospital Outcomes of Surgical and Percutaneous Pulmonary Valve Implantation in Germany. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions 15(14):1493-1495.
Stachon, P., K. Kaier, P. Hehn, A. Peikert, D. Wolf, V. Oettinger, D. Staudacher, D. Duerschmied, A. Zirlik, M. Zehender, C. Bode und C. von Zur Mühlen (2022): Coronary artery bypass grafting versus stent implantation in patients with chronic coronary syndrome and left main disease: insights from a register throughout Germany. Clinical Research in Cardiology 111(7):742-749.
Supady, A., T. Zahn, M. Kuhl, S. Maier, C. Benk, K. Kaier, B.W. Böttiger, C. Bode, A. Lother, D.L. Staudacher, T. Wengenmayer und D. Duerschmied (2022): Cytokine adsorption in patients with post-cardiac arrest syndrome after extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CYTER) - A single-centre, open-label, randomised, controlled trial. Resuscitation 173:169-178.
Piepenburg, S.M., K. Kaier, C.B. Olivier, W. Bothe, T. Heidt, M. Jäckel, A. Peikert, D. Wolf, M. Zehender, C. Bode, D. Dürschmied, C. von Zur Mühlen und P. Stachon (2022): Use and Outcomes of Acute Treatment Strategies in Patients with Severe Aortic Valve Stenosis. Global Heart 16(1):91.
Kreibich, M., K. Kaier, C. von Zur Mühlen, M. Siepe, M. Zehender, C. Bode, F. Beyersdorf, P. Stachon und W. Bothe (2022): In-hospital outcomes of patients undergoing concomitant aortic and mitral valve replacement in Germany. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 34(3):349-353.
Rieder, M., N. Gauchel, K. Kaier, C. Jakob, S. Borgmann, A.Y. Classen, J. Schneider, L. Eberwein, M. Lablans, M. Rüthrich, S. Dolff, K. Wille, M. Haselberger, H. Heuzeroth, C. Bode, C. von zur Mühlen, S. Rieg und D. Duerschmied (2021): Pre-medication with oral anticoagulants is associated with better outcomes in a large multinational COVID-19 cohort with cardiovascular comorbidities. Clinical Research in Cardiology 111(3):322-332.
Rilinger, J., K. Krötzsch, X. Bemtgen, M. Jäckel, V. Zotzmann, C.N. Lang, K. Kaier, D. Duerschmied, A. Supady, C. Bode, D.L. Staudacher und T. Wengenmayer (2021): Long-term survival and health-related quality of life in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome and veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support. Critical Care 25(1):410.
Heger, L.A., T. Glück, K. Kaier, M. Hortmann, M. Rieder, P.M. Siegel, P. Diehl, T. Wengenmayer, C.B. Olivier, C. Bode, H.J. Busch, D. Duerschmied und I. Ahrens (2021): Medical history of coronary artery disease and time to electrocardiogram in the emergency department: a real-life, single-center, retrospective analysis. BMC Cardiovascular Disorder 21(1):480.
Jäckel, M., K. Kaier, J. Rilinger, D. Wolf, A. Peikert, K. Roth, V. Oettinger, D. Staudacher, M Zehender, C Bode, C. von zur Mühlen und P. Stachon (2021): Outcomes of female and male patients suffering from coronary artery disease: A nation-wide registry of patients admitted as emergency. Medicine (Baltimore) 100(38):e27298.
Stachon, P., P. Hehn, D. Wolf, T. Heidt, V. Oettinger, M. Zehender, C. Bode, C. von Zur Mühlen und K. Kaier (2021): In-hospital outcomes of self-expanding and balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valves in Germany. Clinical Research in Cardiology 110(12):1977-1982.
Siegel, P.M., L. Orlean, I. Bojti, K. Kaier, T. Witsch, J.S. Esser, G. Trummer, M. Moser, K. Peter, C. Bode und P. Diehl (2021): Monocyte Dysfunction Detected by the Designed Ankyrin Repeat Protein F7 Predicts Mortality in Patients Receiving Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 8:689218.
Lang, C.N., V. Zotzmann, B. Schmid, K. Kaier, C. Bode, T. Wengenmayer und D.L. Staudacher (2021): Utilization of transfusions and coagulation products in cardiogenic shock with and without mechanical circulatory support. Journal of Critical Care 65:62-64.
Al Said, S., K. Kaier, E. Nury, D. Alsaid, B. Meder, C.M. Gibson, J. Bax, J.J. Meerpohl und H. Katus (2021): Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR): a network meta-analysis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 10:CD013745.
Rilinger, J., A.M. Riefler, X. Bemtgen, M. Jäckel, V. Zotzmann, P.M. Biever, D. Duerschmied, C. Benk, G. Trummer, K. Kaier, C. Bode, D.L. Staudacher und T. Wengenmayer (2021): Impact of pulse pressure on clinical outcome in extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (eCPR) patients. Clinical Research in Cardiology 110(9):1473-1483.
Rilinger, J., V. Zotzmann, X. Bemtgen, S. Rieg, P.M. Biever, D. Duerschmied, T. Pottgiesser, K. Kaier, C. Bode, D.L. Staudacher und T. Wengenmayer (2021): Influence of immunosuppression in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome on veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy. Artificial Organs 45(9):1050-1060.
Supady, A., J. DellaVolpe, F.S. Taccone, D. Scharpf, M. Ulmer, P.M. Lepper, M. Halbe, S. Ziegeler, A. Vogt, R. Ramanan, D. Boldt, S.S. Stecher, A. Montisci, T. Spangenberg, O. Marggraf, C. Kunavarapu, L. Peluso, S. Muenz, M. Buerle, N.G. Nagaraj, S. Nuding, C. Toma, V. Gudzenko, H.J. Stemmler, F. Pappalardo, G. Trummer, C. Benk, G. Michels, D. Duerschmied, C. von Zur Muehlen, C. Bode, K. Kaier, D. Brodie, T. Wengenmayer und D.L. Staudacher (2021) Outcome Prediction in Patients with Severe COVID-19 Requiring Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation-A Retrospective International Multicenter Study. Membranes 11(3):170.
Supady, A., F.S. Taccone, P.M. Lepper, S. Ziegeler, D.L. Staudacher for the COVEC-Study Group (with K. Kaier) (2021): Survival after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in severe COVID-19 ARDS: results from an international multicenter registry. Critical Care 25(1):90.
Stachon, P., K. Kaier, T. Heidt, D. Wolf, D. Duerschmied, D.L. Staudacher, M. Zehender, C. Bode und C. von Zur Mühlen (2021): The Use and Outcomes of Cerebral Protection Devices for Patients Undergoing Transfemoral Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Clinical Practice. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions 14(2):161-168.
Lang, C.N., K. Kaier, V. Zotzmann, P. Stachon, T. Pottgiesser, C. von Zur Muehlen, M. Zehender, D. Duerschmied, B. Schmid, C. Bode, T. Wengenmayer und D.L. Staudacher (2021): Cardiogenic shock: incidence, survival and mechanical circulatory support usage 2007-2017-insights from a national registry. Clinical Research in Cardiology 110(9):1421-1430.
Stachon, P., K. Kaier, V. Oettinger, W. Bothe, M. Zehender, C. Bode und C. von Zur Mühlen (2021): Transapical aortic valve replacement versus surgical aortic valve replacement: A subgroup analyses for at-risk populations. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 162(6):1701-1709.
Frankenstein, L., K. Kaier, H.A. Katus, C. Bode, T. Wengenmayer, C. von Zur Mühlen, R. Bekeredjian, T. Täger, M. Zehender, H. Fröhlich und P. Stachon (2021) Impact of the introduction of percutaneous edge-to-edge mitral valve reconstruction on clinical practice in Germany compared to surgical valve repair. Clinical Research in Cardiology 110(5):620-627.
Jäckel, M., J. Rilinger, C.N. Lang, V. Zotzmann, K. Kaier, P. Stachon, P.M. Biever, T. Wengenmayer, D. Duerschmied, C. Bode, D.L. Staudacher und A. Supady (2020): Outcome of acute respiratory distress syndrome requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in Covid-19 or influenza - a single-center registry study. Artificial Organs 45(6):593-601.
Stachon, P., J. Steinfurt, T. van de Loo, L. Trolese, T. Faber, K. Kaier, T. Heidt, W. Bothe, T. Krauss, D. Wolf, D. Duerschmied, M. Zehender, F. Bamberg, C. Bode und C. von Zur Mühlen (2020): Impact of Preprocedural Aortic Valve Calcification on Conduction Disturbances after Transfemoral Aortic Valve Replacement. Cardiology 146(2):228-237.
Lother, A., K. Kaier, I. Ahrens, W. Bothe, D. Wolf, M. Zehender, C. Bode, C. von Zur Mühlen und P. Stachon (2020): Bleeding Complications Drive In-Hospital Mortality of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 120(11):1580-1586.
Rilinger, J., V. Zotzmann, X. Bemtgen, C. Schumacher, P.M. Biever, D. Duerschmied, K. Kaier, P. Stachon, C. von Zur Mühlen, M. Zehender, C. Bode, D.L. Staudacher, T. Wengenmayer (2020): Prone positioning in severe ARDS requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Critical Care 24(1):397.
Duerschmied, D., V. Zotzmann, M. Rieder, X. Bemtgen, P.M. Biever, K. Kaier, G. Trummer, C. Benk, H.J. Busch, C. Bode, T. Wengenmayer, P. Stachon, C. von Zur Mühlen und D.L. Staudacher (2020): Myocardial infarction type 1 is frequent in refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) treated with extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR). Scientific Reports 10(1):8423.
Oettinger, V., K. Kaier, T, Heidt, M. Hortmann, D. Wolf, A. Zirlik, M. Zehender, C. Bode, C. von Zur Mühlen und P. Stachon (2020): Outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve implantations in high-volume or low-volume centres in Germany. Heart 106(20):1604-1608.
Maier, A., B. Hammerich, F. Humburger, T. Brieschal, T. Heidt, W. Bothe, H. Schröfel, K. Kaier, M. Zehender, J. Reinöhl, C. Bode, C. von Zur Mühlen und P. Stachon (2020): A logistic regression analysis comparing minimalistic approach and intubation anaesthesia in patients undergoing transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement. PLoS One 15(2):e0227345.
Peikert, A., K. Kaier, J. Merz, L. Manhart, I. Schäfer, I. Hilgendorf, P. Hehn, D. Wolf, F. Willecke, X. Sheng, A. Clemens, M. Zehender, C. von Zur Mühlen, C. Bode, A. Zirlik und P. Stachon (2020): Residual inflammatory risk in coronary heart disease: incidence of elevated high-sensitive CRP in a real-world cohort. Clinical Research in Cardiology 109(3):315-323.
Stachon, P., K. Kaier, T. Heidt, W. Bothe, A. Zirlik, M. Zehender, C. Bode und C. von zur Mühlen (2020): Nationwide outcomes of aortic valve replacement for pure aortic regurgitation in Germany 2008–2015. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 95(4):810-816.
Al Said, S., S. Alabed , K. Kaier, A.R. Tan, C. Bode, J.J. Meerpohl und D. Duerschmied (2019): Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) post-percutaneous coronary intervention: a network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 12:CD013252.
Zotzmann, V., J. Rilinge, C.N. Lang, K. Kaier, C. Benk, D. Duerschmied, P.M. Biever, C. Bode, T. Wengenmayer und D.L. Staudacher (2019): Epinephrine, inodilator, or no inotrope in venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation implantation: a single-center experience. Critical Care 23(1):320.
Al Said, S., S. Alabed, K. Kaier, C. Bode, J.J. Meerpohl und D. Duerschmied (2019): Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) post-percutaneous coronary intervention: a network meta-analysis (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 1:CD013252.
Stachon, P., K. Kaier, A. Zirlik , W. Bothe , T. Heidt , M. Zehender , C. Bode und C. von zur Mühlen (2019): Risk-Adjusted Comparison of In-Hospital Outcomes of Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement. Journal of the American Heart Association 8(7):e011504.
Kaier, K., C. von zur Mühlen, A. Zirlik, W. Bothe, P. Hehn, M. Zehender, C. Bode und P. Stachon (2019): Estimating the additional costs per life saved due to transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a secondary data analysis of electronic health records in Germany, European Journal of Health Economics 20(4):625-632.
Wengenmayer, T., F. Schroth, P.M. Biever, D. Duerschmied, C. Benk, G. Trumme, K. Kaier, C. Bode, D.L. Staudacher (2018): Albumin fluid resuscitation in patients on venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) therapy is associated with improved survival, Intensive Care Medicine 44(12):2312-2314.
Stachon, P., K. Kaier, A. Zirlik, W. Bothe, M. Zehender, C. Bode, C. von zur Mühlen (2018): Die Entwicklung und Ergebnisse von TAVI und chirurgischem Aortenklappenersatz in Deutschland 2014 bis 2015, Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift 143(23):e206-e212.
Kaier, K., V. Oettinger, H. Reinecke, C. Schmoor, L. Frankenstein, P. Hehn, C. von zur Mühlen, C. Bode, M. Zehender und J. Reinöhl (2018): Volume-outcome relationship in transcatheter aortic valve implantations in Germany 2008-2014: a secondary data analysis of electronic health records, BMJ Open 8(7):e020204.
Stachon, P., M. Zehender, C. Bode, C. von zur Mühlen and K. Kaier (2018): Development and In-Hospital Mortality of Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in 2015 in Germany, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 72(4):475-476.
Stachon, P., K. Kaier, A. Zirlik, J. Reinöhl, T. Heidt, W. Bothe, P. Hehn, M. Zehender, C. Bode und C. von zur Mühlen (2018): Risk factors and outcome of postoperative delirium after transcatheter aortic valve replacement, Clinical Research in Cardiology 107(9):756-762.
Kaier, K., C. von zur Mühlen, A. Zirlik, C. Schmoor, K. Roth, W. Bothe, P. Hehn, J. Reinöhl, M. Zehender, C. Bode und P. Stachon (2018): Sex-specific differences in outcome of transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement, Canadian Journal of Cardiology 34(8):992-998.
Kaier, K., H. Reinecke, H. Nacy, L. Frankenstein, M. Bode, W. Vach, P. Hehn, A. Zirlik, M. Zehender und J. Reinöhl (2018): The impact of post-procedural complications on reimbursement, length of stay and mechanical ventilation among patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation in Germany, European Journal of Health Economics 19(2):223-228.
Malyar, N., K. Kaier, E. Freisinger, F. Lüders, G. Kaleschke, H. Baumgartner, L. Frankenstein, H. Reinecke und J. Reinöhl (2017): Prevalence and Impact of Critical Limb Ischemia on In-Hospital Outcome in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Germany, EuroIntervention 13(11):1281-1287.
Kaier, K., F. von Kampen, Baumbach, C. von Zur Mühlen, P. Hehn, W. Vach, M. Zehender, C. Bode und J. Reinöhl (2017): Two-year post-discharge costs of care among patients treated with transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement in Germany, BMC Health Services Research 17:473.
Gutmann, A., Kaier, K., L. Frankenstein, A. Zirlik, W. Bothe, C. von Zur Mühlen, M. Zehender, J. Reinöhl, C. Bode und P. Stachon (2017): Impact of pulmonary hypertension on in-hospital outcome after surgical or transcatheter aortic valve replacement, EuroIntervention 13(7):804-810.
Lüders F., Kaier, K., G. Kaleschke, K. Gebauer, M. Meyborg, N.M. Malyar, E. Freisinger, H. Baumgartner, H. Reinecke und J. Reinöhl (2017): Association of CKD with Outcomes Among Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 12(5): 718-726.
Kaier, K., H. Reinecke, C. Schmoor, L. Frankenstein, W. Vach, P. Hehn, A. Zirlik, C. Bode, M. Zehender und J. Reinöhl (2017): Learning Curves Among All Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Germany: A Retrospective Observational Study, International Journal of Cardiology 235:17-21.
Reinöhl, J., K. Kaier, H. Reinecke, L. Frankenstein, A. Zirlik, M. Zehender, C. von Zur Mühlen, C. Bode und P. Stachon (2016): Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: The New Standard in Patients With Previous Coronary Bypass Grafting? JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 9(20):2137-2143.
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