Prof. Dr. Dr. Melanie BörriesMelanie Börries studied human medicine in Lübeck and received her doctorate in 2004. She participated in the MDPhD scholarship program of the Biocenter in Basel (Switzerland) and received her PhD in cell biology in 2005. At the same time, she continued her clinical training in cardiology at the Inselspital in Bern (Switzerland), followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in Freiburg with a focus on pharmacology and toxicology. In 2009, Melanie Börries founded her group at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) in Freiburg. Her focus shifted to systems biology and applied methods in bioinformatics with a focus on patient-oriented research. Since 2013, she has been head of a junior research group in systems biology and systems medicine at the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research as part of the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK, DKFZ partner location Freiburg).
Prof. Börries describes her research as follows: "In systems medicine, we try to map and understand the complex interactions of the body in both healthy and sick states. In doing so, we integrate the most diverse data sets and data analyses with clinical patient data. This requires a high level of interdisciplinarity. For this reason, I have employees from mathematics, physics, computer science and bioinformatics as well as from medicine, molecular medicine and biology. Thus, the different perspectives on the systems medicine question with the focus on "patient" can be represented very well".
Prof. Börries is also spokesperson of the Molecular Tumor Board at the University Hospital Freiburg and head of Use Case 3 in the MIRACUM consortium of the Medical Informatics Initiative.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Melanie Börries

Director of the Institute
Institute of Medical Bioinformatics und Systems Medicine (IBSM)
University Hospital Freiburg
Telefon: 0761 270-84671
Assistant to the Director
Miriam von Scheibner
Telefon: 0761 270-84673