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Neuropharmakologie und in vitro Elektrophysiologie

Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über alle Publikationen ab dem Jahr 2000, an denen die ehemalige Sektion für Klinische Neuropharmakologie mitgewirkt hat.

Altenmüller DM, Hebel JM, Deniz C, Volz S, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ (2020), Moser A. Electrocorticographic and neurochemical findings after local cortical valproate application in patients with pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2020 (in print).

Feuerstein TJ (2018), Hofmann UG: Change the toolbox to create addiction-free opioid analgesics! ARC Journal of Addiction, 2018; 3: 11-18.

Joseph K, Mottaghi S, Christ O, Feuerstein TJ (2018), Hofmann UG. When the Ostrich-Algorithm Fails: Blanking Method Affects Spike Train Statistics. Front Neurosci. 2018 Apr 30;12:293. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00293. eCollection 2018.

Feuerstein TJ (2017) Antikonvulsiva, Konvulsiva - Pharmakotherapie der Epilepsien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie & Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 12. Auflage, Elsevier, München, pp 249-258.

Feuerstein TJ (2017) Antiparkinsonmittel - Pharmakotherapie des Morbus Parkinson. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie & Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 12. Auflage, Elsevier, München, pp 263-268.

Feuerstein TJ (2017) Zentrale Muskelrelaxantien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie & Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 12. Auflage, Elsevier, München, pp 259-261.

Feuerstein TJ, Diener H-Ch (2017) Pharmakologie des Serotonins - Pharmakotherapie primärer Kopfschmerzen. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie & Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 12. Auflage, Elsevier, München, pp 173-180.

Schlicker E, Feuerstein TJ (2017) Human presynaptic receptors. Pharmacol Therap 2017; 172(4): 1-21.

Moser A, Orth JH, Feuerstein TJ (2017: G-Protein Linked Effect of Pasteurella Multocida Toxin on GABA Outflow from Neocortical Synaptosomes. Austin Biochemistry, 2017; 2 (2) (online): 1013.

Rassner MP, Moser A, Follo M, Joseph K, van Velthoven-Wurster V, Feuerstein TJ (2016) Neocortical GABA release at high intracellular sodium and low extracellular calcium: an anti-seizure mechanism. J Neurochem (2016) 137: 177-189. PDF-Datei (728 KB)

Windhorst S, Feuerstein TJ, Hofmann UG, Joseph K (2016) Differences between human and animal neocortical tissue in transmitter release studies. Research Trends 2016; 5:1-15.

Rassner MP, Hebel JM, Altenmueller DM, Volz S, Herrmann LS, Feuerstein TJ, Freiman TM (2015) Reduction of epileptiform activity through local valproate-implants in a rat neocortical epilepsy model. Seizure 30: 6–13 .

Feuerstein TJ (2014) A pharmacological paradox: May a neutral antagonist shift an agonist concentration-response curve to the left? Naunyn-Schmiedberg´s Arch Pharmacol 387:601-603.

Xie Y, Heida T, Stegengac J, Zhaoc Y, Moser A, Tronnier V, Feuerstein TJ, Hofmann UG (2014) High frequency electrical stimulation suppresses cholinergic accumbens interneurons in acute rat brain slices through GABAB receptors. Eur J Neurosc 40:3653-3662

Ramantani G, Kadish NE, Anastasopoulos C, Brandt A, Wagner K, Strobl K, Mayer H, Schubert-Bast S, Stathi A, Korinthenberg R, Feuerstein TJ, Mader I, van Velthoven V, Zentner J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Bast T (2014) Epilepsy surgery for glioneuronal tumors in childhood: avoid loss of time. Neurosurgery 74(6):648-657.


Altenmüller DM, Hebel JM, Rassner MP, Freiman TM, Feuerstein TJ, Zentner J (2013) Locally applied valproate enhances survival in a tetanus toxin / cobalt chloride rat model of focal neocortical epilepsy, J Biomed Biotechnol, 2013 (Online Publikation). Free PMC Article.

Amtage F, Feuerstein TJ, Meier S, Prokop T, Piroth T, Pinsker MO (2013) Hypokinesia upon pallidal deep brain stimulation of dystonia: support of a GABAergic mechanism. Front Neurol, 2013; 4 (198): 1-7.

Feuerstein TJ: Commentary: Gabapentin-lactam and gamma-aminobutyric acid/lactam analogs: the enigma of their mechanism of action. Int J Oral Max Impl, 2013; 28 (5): e239-e242.

Feuerstein TJ (2013) Antikonvulsiva, Konvulsiva -- Pharmakotherapie der Epilepsien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie & Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 11. Auflage, Elsevier, München, pp 269-279

Feuerstein TJ (2013) Antiparkinsonmittel - Pharmakotherapie des Morbus Parkinson. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie & Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 11. Auflage, Elsevier, München, pp 285-291

Feuerstein TJ (2013) Zentrale Muskelrelaxantien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie & Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 11. Auflage, Elsevier, München, pp 281-283

Feuerstein TJ, Diener H.-Ch. (2013) Pharmakologie des Serotonins -- Pharmakotherapie primärer Kopfschmerzen. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie & Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 11. Auflage, Elsevier, München, pp 191-198

Rassner MP, van Velthoven-Wurster V, Ramantani G, Feuerstein TJ (2013) Altered transporter-mediated neocortical GABA release in Rasmussen encephalitis. Epilepsia 54(3):e41-e44. doi:10.1111/epi.12093. Epub 2013 Jan 29.

Kovacs FE, Knop T, Urbanski MJ, Freiman I, Freiman TM, Feuerstein TJ, Zentner J, Szabo B (2012) Exogenous and endogenous cannabinoids suppress inhibitory neurotransmission in the human neocortex. Neuropsychopharmacology 37(5):1104-14. doi:10.1038/npp.2011.262

Feuerstein TJ (2011) Commentary. Gabapentin-lactam and GABA-lactam analogues: The enigma of their mechanism of action. Oral Craniofac Tissue Eng 1:29-32

Feuerstein TJ, Kammerer M, Lücking CH, Moser A (2011) Selective GABA release as a mechanistic basis of high frequency stimulation used for the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases. Naunyn-Schmiedberg´s Arch Pharmacol 384:1-20

Kammerer M, Brawek B, Freiman TM, Jackisch R, Feuerstein TJ (2011) Effects of antiepileptic drugs on glutamate release from rat and human neocortical synaptosomes. Naunyn-Schmiedberg´s Arch Pharmacol 383:531-542

Kammerer M, Rassner MP, Freiman TM, Feuerstein TJ (2011) Effects of antiepileptic drugs on GABA release from rat and human neocortical synaptosomes. Naunyn-Schmiedberg´s Arch Pharmacol 384:47-57

Kammerer M, Fabritius M, Carvalho C, Mülhaupt R, Feuerstein TJ, Trittler R (2011) Valproate release from polycaprolactone implants prepared by 3D-Bioplotting. DIE PHARMAZIE 66:511-516


Brawek B, Löffler M, Wagner K, Huppertz H-J, Wendling A-S, Weyerbrock A, Jackisch R, Feuerstein TJ (2009) Reactive oxygen species in the human neocortex: role of aging and cognition. Brain Res Bull 81: 484-490

Kammerer M, Hebel JM, Feuerstein TJ (2010) The mode of action of electrical high frequency stimulation. J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 3:1030-1039

Rutz S, Majchrzak M, Siedschlag V, Barbelivien A, Harati H, Rothmaier AK, Feuerstein TJ, Jackisch R, Cassel JC (2009) Sulpiride- and GR-55,562-induced facilitation of dopamine release from striatal slices of aged rats negatively correlates with reference-memory performance in a water-maze task. Neurobiol Aging 30:957-972

Warren MS, Zerangue N, Woodford K, Roberts LM, Tate EH, Feng B, Li C, Feuerstein TJ, Gibbs J, Smith B, de Morais S, Dower WJ, Koller KJ (2009) Comparative gene expression profiles of ABC transporters in brain microvessel endothelial cells and brain in five species including human. Pharmacol Res 59:404-413

Jackisch R, Förster S, Kammerer M, Rothmaier AK, Ehret A, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ (2009) Inhibitory Potency of Choline Esterase Inhibitors on Acetylcholine Release and Choline Esterase Activity in Fresh Specimens of Human and Rat Neocortex. J Alzheimers Dis 16:635-647

Brawek B, Löffler M, Weyerbrock A, Feuerstein TJ (2009) Effects of gabapentin and pregabalin on K+-evoked 3H-GABA and 3H-glutamate release from human neocortical synaptosomes. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 379:361-369

Jehle T, Ehlken D, Wingert K, Feuerstein TJ, Bach M, Lagrèze WA (2009) Effects of gabapentin and pregabalin Influence of narcotics on luminance and frequency modulated visual evoked potentials in rats. Doc Ophthalmol 118:217-224

Mantovani M, Moser A, Haas CA, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ (2009) GABAA autoreceptors enhance GABA release from human neocortex: towards a mechanism for high-frequency stimulation (HFS) in brain? Naunyn-Schmiedberg´s Arch Pharmacol 380:45-58

Feuerstein TJ (2009) Antikonvulsiva, Konvulsiva. Pharmakotherapie der Epilepsien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 10. Auflage, Urban & Fischer, München, pp 283-293

Feuerstein TJ (2009) Antiparkinsonmittel. Pharmakotherapie des Morbus Parkinson. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 10. Auflage, Urban & Fischer, München, pp 299-305

Feuerstein TJ (2009) Zentrale Muskelrelaxantien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 10. Auflage, Urban & Fischer, München, pp 295-297

Stoll C, Eltze M, Lambrecht G, Feuerstein TJ, Zentner J, Jackisch R (2009) Functional Characterization of Muscarinic Autoreceptors in Rat and Human Neocortex. J Neurochem 110:837-847

Mantovani M, Dooley DJ, Weyerbrock A, Jackisch R, Feuerstein TJ (2009) Differential inhibitory effects of drugs acting at the norepinephrine and serotonin transporters in rat and human neocortical synaptosomes. Br J Pharmacol, in press

Hoeren M, Brawek B, Mantovani M, Löffler M, Steffens M, van Velthoven V, Feuerstein TJ (2008) Partial agonism at the human alpha2A-autoreceptor: Role of binding duration. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 378:17-26

Snider NT, Sikora MJ, Sridar C, Feuerstein TJ, Rae JM, Hollenberg PF (2008) The Endocannabinoid Anandamide is a Substrate for the Human Polymorphic Cytochrome P450 2D6. JPET 327:538-545

Brawek B, Löffler M, Dooley DJ, Weyerbrock A, Feuerstein TJ (2008) Differential modulation of K+-evoked 3H-neurotransmitter release from human neocortex by gabapentin and pregabalin. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 376:301-307

Feuerstein TJ (2008) Anti-Parkinson Drugs. In: Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology; Eds. S. Offermanns, W. Rosenthal, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540-38921-7, pp 162-166

Lienau FS, Füllgraf H, Moser A, Feuerstein TJ (2007) Why do cannabinoids not show consistent effects as analgetic drugs in multiple sclerosis? Eur J Neurology 14:1162-1169

Stefan H, Feuerstein TJ (2007) Novel anticonvulsant drugs. Pharmacol Ther 113:165-183

Feuerstein TJ (2007) Presynaptic receptors for dopamine, histamine and serotonin. Handb Exp Pharmacol 2008:289-338

Surges R, Brewster AL, Bender RA, Beck H, Feuerstein TJ, Baram TZ (2006) Regulated expression of HCN channels and cAMP levels shape the properties of the h current in developing rat hippocampus. Eur J Neurosci 24:94-104

Löffler M, Bubl B, Huethe F, Hubbe U, McIntosh JM, Jackisch R, Feuerstein TJ (2006) Dopamine release in human neocortical slices: characterization of inhibitory autoreceptors and of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-evoked release. Brain Res Bull 68:361-373

Mantovani M, Bubl B, Feuerstein TJ (2006) 5-HT uptake blockade prevents the increasing effect of KATP channel blockers on electrically evoked [3H]-5-HT release in rat and mouse neocortical slices. Neurochem Int 48:218-225

Henle F, Leemhuis J, Fischer C, Bock HH, Lindemeyer K, Feuerstein TJ, Meyer DK (2006) Gabapentin-lactam induces dendritic filopodia and motility in cultured hippocampal neurons. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 319:181-191

Berger B, Rothmaier K, Wedekind F, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ, Jackisch R (2006) Presynaptic opioid receptors on noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons in the human as compared to the rat neocortex. Br J Pharmacol 148:795-806

Mantovani M, Van Velthoven V, Fuellgraf H, Feuerstein TJ, Moser A (2006) Neuronal electrical high frequency stimulation enhances GABA outflow from human neocortical slices. Neurochem Int 49:347-350

Schulze-Bonhage A, Feuerstein TJ (2006) Zonisamid als Antiepileptikum. Arzneimitteltherapie 24:152-156

Feuerstein TJ (2006) Der Erkenntnisprozess: Philosophische und neurowissenschaftliche Gedanken. Tabulae - Revista de Philosophia 1 - N°:2:9-29

Klein K, Daschner M, Vogel M, Oh J, Feuerstein TJ, Schaefer F (2005) Impaired autofeedback regulation of hypothalamic norepinephrine release in experimental uremia. J Am Soc Nephr 16:2081-2087

Steffens M, Huppertz HJ, Zentner J, Chauzit E, Feuerstein TJ (2005) Unchanged glutamine synthetase activity and increased NMDA receptor density in epileptic human neocortex: Implications for the pathophysiology of epilepsy. Neurochem Int 47:379-384

Steffens M, Schulze-Bonhage A, Surges R, Feuerstein TJ (2005) Fatty acid amidohydrolase in human neocortex – activity in epileptic and non-epileptic brain tissue and inhibition by putative endocannabinoids. Neurosci Lett 385:13-17

Feuerstein TJ (2005) Antikonvulsiva, Konvulsiva. Pharmakotherapie der Epilepsien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 9. Auflage, Urban & Fischer, München Jena, pp 289-299

Feuerstein TJ (2005) Antiparkinsonmittel. Pharmakotherapie des Morbus Parkinson. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 9. Auflage, Urban & Fischer, München Jena, pp 305-311

Feuerstein TJ (2005) Zentrale Muskelrelaxantien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie; Eds. K. Aktories, U. Förstermann, F. Hofmann, K. Starke, 9. Auflage, Urban & Fischer, München Jena, pp 301-304

Feuerstein TJ, Ahne T, Feuerstein S (2005) Cannabinoide als Schmerzmittel bei Multipler Sklerose: Warum gibt es keine konsistenten Effekte? DNP DGN-Sonderheft 22-25

Lieb K, Fiebich BL, Herpfer I, Mantovani M, Löffler M, Feuerstein TJ (2005) No modulatory effect of neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists on serotonin-reuptake in human and rat brain synaptosomes. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 15:641-646

Limberger N, Roßner R, Sauermann W, Feuerstein TJ (2005) Agonist concentration-response models in mouse and rabbit neocortex: Re-evaluation of classical models in comparison with a recently developed general response function. Intl J Pharmacol 1:55-70

Steffens M, Olayioye A, Huber B, Allgaier C, Feuerstein TJ (2005) Does the binding duration of a partial alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist exceed its activation interval at the autoreceptor? Intl J Pharmacol 1:299-310

Feuerstein TJ, Sauermann W (2005) What is the opposite of a receptor reserve? Intl J Pharmacol 1:195-202

Steffens M, Zentner J, Honegger J, Feuerstein TJ (2005) Binding affinity and agonist activity of putative endogenous cannabinoids at the human neocortical CB1 receptor. Biochem Pharmacol 69:169-178

Feuerstein TJ (2004) Pharmakologische Grundlagen. In: Neurogener Schmerz; Eds. D. Rosenow, V. Tronnier, H. Göbel, Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN: 3-540-21482-8, pp 31 - 44

Feuerstein TJ, Nikkhah G (2004) Anti-Parkinson Drugs. In: Encyclopedic Reference of Molecular Pharmacology; Eds. S. Offermanns, W. Rosenthal, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN: 3-540-42843-7, pp 101 - 106

Knörle R, Feuerstein TJ, Schulze-Bonhage A (2004) Determination of gabapentin-lactam in serum of patients under gabapentin therapy. Arzn.-Forsch/Drug Res. 54:139-142

Leemhuis J, Boutillier S, Schmidt G, Barth H, Feuerstein TJ, Nürnberg B, Aktories K, Meyer DK (2004) The formation of branched neurites in NG108-15 cells and in cultured hippocampal neurons: role of Rho GTPases and PI3-K. J Biol Chem 279:585-596

Pielen A, Kirsch M, Hofmann HD, Feuerstein TJ, Lagrèze WA (2004) Retinal ganglion cell survival is enhanced by gabapentin-lactam in vitro: Evidence for involvement of mitochondrial KATP channels. Graefe‘s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 242:240-244

Surges R, Freiman TM, Feuerstein TJ (2004) Input-resistance is voltage-dependent due to an activation of Ih -channels in rat CA1 pyramidal cells. J Neurosci Res 76:475-480

Steffens M, Feuerstein TJ (2004) Receptor-independent depression of DA and 5-HT uptake by cannabinoids in rat neocortex – Involvement of Na+/K+-ATPase. Neurochem Int 44:529-538

Steffens M, Engler C, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ (2004) Cannabinoid CB1 receptor-mediated modulation of evoked dopamine release and of adenylyl cyclase activity in the human neocortex. Br J Pharmacol 141:1193-1203

Amtage F, Neughebauer B, McIntosh JM, Freiman T, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ, Jackisch R (2004) Characterization of nicotinic receptors inducing noradrenaline release and absence of nicotinic autoreceptors in human neocortex. Brain Res Bull 62:413-423

Surges R, Feuerstein TJ (2004) Ih channels and epilepsy. Proceedings of the 7th Congress of the ESCNP; Ed. L. Battistin; Medimond s.r.l.; pp 135-142

Zucker B, Ludin DE, Gerds TA, Lücking CH, Landwehrmeyer GB, Feuerstein TJ (2004) Gabapentin-lactam, but not gabapentin, reduces protein aggregates and improves motor performance in a transgenic mouse model of Huntington’s disease. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 370:131-139

Feuerstein TJ, Zucker B (2003) Neuroprotektion. In: Aktuelle Neuropädiatrie 2002; Ed. R. Korinthenberg, Novartis Pharma Verlag, Nürnberg, pp 254-271

Steffens M, Szabo B, Klar M, Rominger A, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ (2003) Modulation of electrically evoked acetylcholine release through cannabinoid CB1 receptors: Evidence for an endocannabinoid tone in the human neocortex. Neurosci 120:455-465

Vetter JM, Jehle T, Heinemeyer J, Franz P, Behrens PF, Jackisch R, Landwehrmeyer GB, Feuerstein TJ (2003) Mice transgenic for exon 1 of Huntington’s disease: properties of cholinergic and dopaminergic presynaptic function in the striatum. J Neurochem 85:1054-1063

Klar M, Surges R, Feuerstein TJ (2003) Ih channels as modulators of presynaptic terminal function: ZD7288 increases NMDA-evoked [3H]-noradrenaline release in rat neocortex slices. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 367:422-425

Boissel J-P, Zelenka M, Gödtel-Armbrust U, Feuerstein TJ, Förstermann U (2003) Transcription of the numerous exons 1 of the human neuronal nitric oxide synthase gene is dynamically regulated in a cell- and stimulus-specific manner. Biol Chem 384:351-362

Steffens M, Feuerstein TJ, van Velthoven V, Schnierle P, Knörle R (2003) Quantitative measurement of depolarization-induced anandamide release in human and rat neocortex. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 368:432-436

Dudeck O, Lübben S, Eipper S, Knörle R, Kirsch M, Honegger J, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ (2003) Evidence for strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in human amygdala. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 368:181-187

Surges R, Freiman TM, Feuerstein TJ (2003) Gabapentin increases the hyperpolarization-activated cation current Ih in rat pyramidal cells. Epilepsia 44:150-156

Sigle JP, Zander J, Ehret A, Honegger J, Jackisch R, Feuerstein TJ (2003) High potassium-induced activation of choline-acetyltransferase: Implications and species differences. Brain Res Bull 60:255-262

Stoll C, Schwarzwälder U, Johann S, Lambrecht G, Hertting G, Feuerstein TJ, Jackisch R (2003) Characterization of muscarinic autoreceptors in the rabbit hippocampus and caudate nucleus. Neurochem Res 28:413-417

Eckhardt K, Roth P, Günter T, Schmidt S, Feuerstein TJ (2003) Differential effects of KATP channel blockers on [3H]-noradrenaline overflow after short- and long-term exposure to (+)-oxaprotiline or desipramine. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 367:168-175

Surges R, Freiman TM, Feuerstein TJ (2002) K+-induced changes in the properties of the hyperpolarization-activated cation current Ih in rat CA1 pyramidal cells. Neurosci Lett 332:136-140

Rominger A, Förster S, Zentner J, Dooley DJ, McKnight AT, Feuerstein TJ, Jackisch R, Vlaskovska M (2002) Comparison of the ORL1 receptor-mediated inhibition of noradrenaline release in human and rat neocortical slices. Br J Pharmacol 135:800-806

Surges R, Feuerstein TJ (2002) Mode of action of gabapentin in chronic neuropathic pain syndromes: A short review about its cellular mechanisms in nociceptive neurotransmission. Arzn.-Forsch/Drug Res. 52:583-586

Savas A, Warnke PC Ginap, Feuerstein TJ, Ostertag C (2001) The effects of continuous and single-dose radiation on choline uptake in organotypic tissue slice cultures of rabbit hippocampus. Neurolog Res 23:669-675

Löschmann P-A, De Groote C, Albrecht C, Darstein M, Deransart C, Landwehrmeyer GB, Lücking CH, Feuerstein TJ (2001) [3H]-Acetycholine release in rat striatal slices is not subject to dopamine heteroreceptor supersensitivity after 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the substantia nigra. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 363:414-421

Feuerstein TJ (2001) Antikonvulsiva, Konvulsiva. Pharmakotherapie der Epilepsien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie; Eds. W. Forth, D. Henschler, W. Rummel, U. Förstermann, K. Starke, 8. Auflage, Urban & Fischer, München Jena, pp 309-322

Feuerstein TJ (2001) Antiparkinsonmittel. Pharmakotherapie des Morbus Parkinson. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie; Eds. W. Forth, D. Henschler, W. Rummel, U. Förstermann, K. Starke, 8. Auflage, Urban & Fischer, München Jena, pp 327-333

Feuerstein TJ (2001) Zentrale Muskelrelaxantien. In: Allgemeine und spezielle Pharmakologie und Toxikologie; Eds. W. Forth, D. Henschler, W. Rummel, U. Förstermann, K. Starke, 8. Auflage, Urban & Fischer, München Jena, pp 323-326

Ehret A, Haaf A, Jeltsch H, Heimrich B, Feuerstein TJ, Jackisch, R. (2001) Modulation of electrically-evoked acetylcholine release in cultured rat septal neurons. J Neurochem 76:555-564

Lagrèze W, Müller-Velten R, Feuerstein TJ (2001) The neuroprotective properties of gabapentin-lactam. Graefe‘s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 239:845-849

Freiman TM, Kukolja J, Heinemeyer J, Eckhardt K, Aranda H, Rominger A, Dooley DJ, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ (2001) Modulation of K+-evoked [3H]-noradrenaline release from rat and human brain slices by gabapentin: Involvement of KATP channels. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 363:537-542

Huppertz HJ, Feuerstein TJ, Schulze-Bonhage A (2001) Myoclonus in epilepsy patients under anticonvulsive add-on therapy with pregabalin. Epilepsia 42:790-792

Sehmisch S, Blauth E, Cassel JC, Thorn D, Feuerstein TJ, Jackisch R (2001) Electrically evoked release of glutamate in rat hippocampal slices: effects of various drugs and fimbria-fornix lesions. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 363:481-490

Deransart C, Landwehrmeyer GB, Feuerstein TJ, Lücking CH (2001) Up-regulation of D3 dopaminergic receptor mRNA in the core of the nucleus accumbens accompany the development of seizures in a genetic model of absence epilepsy in the rat. Mol Brain Res 94:166-177

Jehle T, Feuerstein TJ, Lagrèze WA (2001) Der Effekt von Gabapentin und Gabapentin-Laktam auf das Überleben retinaler Ganglienzellen. Ophthalmologe 98:237-241

Schulze-Bonhage A, Feuerstein TJ (2000) The mode of action of new antiepileptics. Proc 5th Congr Clin Neuropharmacol, Opatija (Croatia) 77-85

Darstein M, Becker CM, Kling C, Landwehrmeyer GB, Feuerstein TJ (2000) Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in rat caudatoputamen are expressed by cholinergic interneurons. Neurosci 96:33-39

Lagrèze WA, Darstein M, Feuerstein TJ, Otto T, Landwehrmeyer GB (2000) NMDA receptor subunit mRNA expression in human retinal ganglion cells. Graefe‘s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 238:486-490

Jehle T, Bauer J, Blauth E, Hummel A, Darstein M, Freiman TM, Feuerstein TJ (2000) Effects of riluzole on electrically evoked neurotransmitter release. Br J Pharmacol 130:1227-1234

Küppenbender KD, Staendaert DG, Feuerstein TJ, Penney Jr JB, Young AB, Landwehrmeyer GB (2000) Expression of NMDA receptor subunit mRNAs in neurochemically identified projection and interneurons in the human striatum. J Compar Neurol 419:407-421

Darstein MB, Landwehrmeyer GB, Feuerstein TJ (2000) Changes in NMDA receptor subunit gene expression in the rat brain following withdrawal from forced long-term ethanol intake. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 361:206-213

Eckhardt K, Hufschmidt A, Feuerstein TJ (2000) Das Hinterhorn des Rückenmarks bei chronischen Schmerzen: Wirkort von Antidepressiva und Gabapentin. MMW-Fortschr Med 142:29-30

Potschka H, Feuerstein TJ, Löscher W (2000) Gabapentin-lactam, a close analogue of the anticonvulsant gabapentin, exerts convulsant activity in amygdala kindled rats. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 361:200-205

Gazyakan E, Hennegriff M, Haaf A, Landwehrmeyer GB, Feuerstein TJ, Jackisch R (2000) Characterization of opioid receptor types modulating acetylcholine release in septal regions of the rat brain. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg´s Arch Pharmacol 362:32-40

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Eckhardt K, Feuerstein TJ (2000) Antidepressiva und Gabapentinoide - Etablierte und neue Pharmaka in der Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen. Nervenheilkunde 19:436-442

Neuropharmakologie und in vitro Elektrophysiologie

Prof. Dr. Thomas Feuerstein

Breisacher Straße 64
79106 Freiburg
Telefon: 0761 270 54440