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Publikationen in Peer-reviewed journals 2014 - 2017


Cosandier-Rimele D, Ramantani G, Zentner J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Duempelmann M: A realistic multimodal modeling approach for the evaluation of distributed source analysis: application to sLORETA. J Neural Eng, 2017. : dx.doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/aa7db1 

Fisher RS, Cross JH, D'Souza C, French JA, Haut SR, Higurashi N, Hirsch E, Jansen FE, Lagae L, Moshe SL, Peltola J, Roulet Perez E, Scheffer IE, Schulze-Bonhage A, Somerville E, Sperling M, Yacubian EM, Zuberi SM: Instruction manual for the ILAE 2017 operational classification of seizure types. Epilepsia, 2017; 58: 531-542.

Fisher RS, Helen Cross J, D'Souza C, French JA, Haut S, Higurashi N, Hirsch E, Jansen FE, Lagae L, Moshe SL, Korey SR, Purpura DP, Peltola J, Roulet Perez E, Scheffer IE, Schulze-Bonhage A, Somerville E, Sperling M, Yacubian EM, Zuberi SM: Response to the numbering of seizure types. Epilepsia, 2017; 58 : 1300-1301.

Iljina O, Derix J, Schirrmeister RT, Schulze-Bonhage A, Auer P, Aertsen A, Ball T: Neurolinguistic and machine-learning perspectives on direct speech BCIs for restoration of naturalistic communication. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2017; 4: 186-199.

Kohler F, Gkogkidis CA, Bentler C, Wang X, Gierthmuehlen M, Fischer J, Stolle C, Reindl LM, Rickert J, Stieglitz T, Ball T, Schuettler M: Closed-loop interaction with the cerebral cortex: A review of wireless implant technology. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 2017; 4: 146-154.

Nakagawa JM, Donkels C, Fauser S, Schulze-Bonhage A, Prinz M, Zentner J, Haas CA: Characterization of focal cortical dysplasia with balloon cells by layer-specific markers: Evidence for differential vulnerability of interneurons. Epilepsia, 2017. : dx.doi.org/10.1111/epi.13690

Ramantani G, Stathi A, Brandt A, Strobl K, Schubert-Bast S, Wiegand G, Korinthenberg R, van Velthoven V, Zentner J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Bast T: Posterior cortex epilepsy surgery in childhood and adolescence: predictors of long-term seizure outcome. Epilepsia, 2017; 58: 412-419.

Schmeiser B, Wagner K, Schulze-Bonhage A, Elger CE, Steinhoff BJ, Wendling AS, Mader I, Prinz M, Scheiwe C, Zentner J: Transsylvian Selective Amygdalohippocampectomy for Mesiotemporal Epilepsy: Experience with 162 Procedures. Neurosurgery, 2017; 80: 454-464.

Schmeiser B, Wagner K, Schulze-Bonhage A, Mader I, Wendling AS, Steinhoff BJ, Prinz M, Scheiwe C, Weyerbrock A, Zentner J: Surgical Treatment of Mesiotemporal Lobe Epilepsy: Which Approach is Favorable? Neurosurgery, 2017.

Schulze-Bonhage A: Brain stimulation as a neuromodulatory epilepsy therapy. Seizure-eur J Epilep, 2017; 44: 169-175

Wagner K, Schulze-Bonhage A, Urbach H, Trippel M, Spehl TS, Buschmann F, Metternich B, Ofer I, Meyer PT, Frings L: Reduced glucose metabolism in neocortical network nodes remote from hypothalamic hamartomas reflects cognitive impairment. Epilepsia, 2017; 58 Suppl. 2: 41-49.

Wagner K, Wethe JV, Schulze-Bonhage A, Trippel M, Rekate H, Prigatano GP, Kerrigan JF: Cognition in epilepsy patients with hypothalamic hamartomas. Epilepsia, 2017; 58 Suppl. 2: 85-93.


Altenmüller DM, Schulze-Bonhage A, Elger CE, Surges R: Local brain activity persists during apparently generalized postictal EEG suppression. Epilepsy Behav, 2016; 62: 218-224

Bauer S, Baier H, Baumgartner C, Bohlmann K, Fauser S, Graf W, Hillenbrand B, Hirsch M, Last C, Lerche H, Mayer T, Schulze-Bonhage A, Steinhoff BJ, Weber Y, Hartlep A, Rosenow F, Hamer HM: Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS) for Treatment of Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial (cMPsE02). Brain Stimul, 2016. : dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2015.11.003

Donkels C, Pfeifer D, Janz P, Huber S, Nakagawa J, Prinz M, Schulze-Bonhage A, Weyerbrock A, Zentner J, Haas CA: Whole Transcriptome Screening Reveals Myelination Deficits in Dysplastic Human Temporal Neocortex. Cereb Cortex, 2016. : dx.doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhv346

El Tahry R, Hirsch M, Van Rijckevorsel K, Santos SF, de Tourtchaninoff M, Rooijakkers H, Coenen V, Schulze-Bonhage A: Early experiences with tachycardia-triggered vagus nerve stimulation using the AspireSR stimulator. Epileptic Disord, 2016; 18: 155-16

Ferastraoaru V, Schulze-Bonhage A, Lipton RB, Dumpelmann M, Legatt AD, Blumberg J, Haut SR: Termination of seizure clusters is related to the duration of focal seizures. Epilepsia, 2016. : dx.doi.org/10.1111/epi.13375

Fiederer LD, Vorwerk J, Lucka F, Dannhauer M, Yang S, Dumpelmann M, Schulze-Bonhage A, Aertsen A, Speck O, Wolters CH, Ball T: The role of blood vessels in high-resolution volume conductor head modeling of EEG. Neuroimage, 2016; 128: 193-208. : dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.12.041

Fiederer L, Lahr J, Vorwerk J, Lucka F, Wolters C, Aertsen A, Schulze-Bonhage A, Ball T: Electrical Stimulation of the Human Cerebral Cortex by Extracranial Muscle Activity:Effect Quantification with Intracranial EEG and FEM Simulations. IEEE T Bio-med Eng, 2016; 63: 2552-2563

Hammen ET, Nakagawa J, Reisert M, Urbach H, Schulze-Bonhage A, Egger K: EPV 5. Tractography of hippocampal association fibers in patients with hippocampal sclerosis and temporal lobe epilepsy. Clin Neurophysiol, 2016; 127: e224-e226

Hammer J, Pistohl T, Fischer J, Krsek P, Tomasek M, Marusic P, Schulze-Bonhage A, Aertsen A, Ball T: Predominance of Movement Speed Over Direction in Neuronal Population Signals of Motor Cortex: Intracranial EEG Data and A Simple Explanatory Model. Cereb Cortex, 2016. : dx.doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhw033

Heller S, Kroener M, Woias P, Donos C, Manzouri F, Lachner-Piza D, Schulze-Bonhage A, Duempelmann M, Blum M, Boedecker J: Track N. Functional Electrical Stimulation and Neuroprostheses. Biomed Eng-biomed Te, 2016; 61 Suppl. 1: 133-136

Hintz M, Nawratil S, Schulze-Bonhage A: [Perampanel as a therapy option in patients with epilepsy]. Nervenarzt, 2016; 87: 870-878

Hirsch M, Coenen VA, Heiland DH, Lutzen N, Staszewski O, Schulze-Bonhage A: [Epilepsy-associated tumors of the central nervous system : Epilepsy surgery and oncological aspects]. Nervenarzt, 2016; 87: 402-410. : dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00115-015-0031-7

Körbl K, Jacobs J, Herbst M, Zaitsev M, Schulze-Bonhage A, Hennig J, LeVan P: Marker-based ballistocardiographic artifact correction improves spike identification in EEG-fMRI of focal epilepsy patients. Clin Neurophysiol, 2016; 127: 2802-2811

Meisel C, Plenz D, Schulze-Bonhage A, Reichmann H: Quantifying antiepileptic drug effects using intrinsic excitability measures. Epilepsia, 2016; 57: e210-e215

Piza DL, Bruder JC, Jacobs J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Stieglitz T, Dumpelmann M: Differentiation of spindle associated hippocampal HFOs based on a correlation analysis. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc,  2016: 5501-5504

Schmeiser B, Hammen T, Steinhoff BJ, Zentner J, Schulze-Bonhage A: Long-term outcome characteristics in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with and without associated cortical dysplasia. Epilepsy Res, 2016; 126: 147-156

Schulze-Bonhage A, Hamer HM, Hirsch M, Hagge M: [Invasive stimulation procedures and EEG diagnostics in epilepsy]. Nervenarzt, 2016; 87: 829-837

Steinhoff BJ, Eckhardt K, Doty P, De Backer M, Brunnert M, Schulze-Bonhage A: A long-term noninterventional safety study of adjunctive lacosamide therapy in patients with epilepsy and uncontrolled partial-onset seizures. Epilepsy Behav, 2016; 58: 35-43


Boon P, Vonck K, van Rijckevorsel K, Tahry RE, Elger CE, Mullatti N, Schulze-Bonhage A, Wagner L, Diehl B, Hamer H, Reuber M, Kostov H, Legros B, Noachtar S, Weber YG, Coenen VA, Rooijakkers H, Schijns OE, Selway R, Van Roost D, Eggleston KS, Van Grunderbeek W, Jayewardene AK, McGuire RM: A prospective, multicenter study of cardiac-based seizure detection to activate vagus nerve stimulation. Seizure  2015; 32: 52-61

Donos C, Dümpelmann M, Schulze-Bonhage A: Early Seizure detection Algorithm Based on Intracranial EEG and Random Forest Classification. Int J Neural Syst 2015; 25(5):1550023

Dümpelmann M, Jacobs J, Schulze-Bonhage A: Temporal and spatial characteristics of high frequency oscillations as a new biomarker in epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2015; 56: 197-206. 

Fauser S, Essang C, Altenmuller DM, Staack AM, Steinhoff BJ, Strobl K, Bast T, Schubert-Bast S, Stephani U, Wiegand G, Prinz M, Brandt A, Zentner J, Schulze-Bonhage A: Long-term seizure outcome in 211 patients with focal cortical dysplasia. Epilepsia, 2015; 56: 66-76.

Hintz M, Schulze-Bonhage A: Antiepileptika-Therapie bei Einschränkung der Nierenfunktion Akt Neurol, 2015; 42: 86-92

Hirsch M, Altenmüller DM, Schulze-Bonhage A. Latencies from intracranial seizure onset to ictal tachycardia: A comparison to surface EEG patterns and other clinical signs. Epilepsia 2015 doi: 10.1111/epi.13117. [Epub ahead of print]

Jäger V, Dümpelmann M, LeVan P, Ramantani G, Mader I, Schulze-Bonhage A, Jacobs J.: Concordance of Epileptic Networks Associated with Epileptic Spikes Measured by High-Density EEG and Fast fMRI. Plos One, 2015; 10 (online): e0140537

Meisel C, Schulze-Bonhage A, Freestone D, Cook MJ, Achermann P, Plenz D: Intrinsic excitability measures track antiepileptic drug action and uncover increasing/decreasing excitability over the wake/sleep cycle. P Natl Acad Sci Usa, 2015. : dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1513716112

Schulze-Bonhage A: Perampanel for epilepsy with partial-onset seizures: a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation. Expert Opin Drug Met, 2015: 1-9. 

Schulze-Bonhage A: The safety and long-term efficacy of zonisamide as adjunctive therapy for focal epilepsy. Expert Rev Neurother, 2015: 1-9

Schulze-Bonhage A: Dissoziative Anfälle bei Epilepsie erkennen Ärztliche Praxis NeurologiePsychiatrie, 2015; 4: 20-23.

Schulze-Bonhage A, Hintz M. Perampanel in the management of partial-onset seizures: a review of safety, efficacy, and patient acceptability. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2015; 9:1143-51

Wagenaar JB, Worrell GA, Ives Z, Matthias D, Litt B, Schulze-Bonhage A: Collaborating and sharing data in epilepsy research. J Clin Neurophysiol, 2015; 32: 235-239.

Wendling AS, Steinhoff BJ, Bodin F, Staack AM, Zentner J, Scholly J, Valenti MP, Schulze-Bonhage A, Hirsch E: Selective amygdalohippocampectomy versus standard temporal lobectomy in patients with mesiotemporal lobe epilepsy and unilateral hippocampal sclerosis: post-operative facial emotion recognition abilities. Epilepsy Res, 2015; 111 : 26-32.


Alvarado-Rojas C, Valderrama M, Fouad-Ahmed A, Feldwisch-Drentrup H, Ihle M, Teixeira CA, Sales F, Schulze-Bonhage A, Adam C, Dourado A, Charpier S, Navarro V, Le Van Quyen M: Slow modulations of high-frequency activity (40-140 Hz) discriminate preictal changes in human focal epilepsy. Sci Rep-uk, 2014; 4: 4545-4545.

Anastasopoulos C, Reisert M, Kiselev VG, Nguyen-Thanh T, Schulze-Bonhage A, Zentner J, Mader I: Local and Global Fiber Tractography in Patients with Epilepsy. Am J Neuroradiol 2014: 291-296

Coenen VA, Mädler B, Elger CE, Schulze-Bonhage A, Urbach H, Reinacher PC: Thalamische Zielgebiete für die tiefe Hirnstimulation bei therapierefraktärer Epilepsie. Untersuchung mithilfe der Diffusions-Tensor-Faserbahn-Traktographie. Z Epileptologie, 2014; 27: 36-41.

Derix J, Iljina O, Weiske J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Aertsen A, Ball T: From speech to thought: the neuronal basis of cognitive units in non-experimental, real-life communication investigated using ECoG. Front Hum Neurosci, 2014; 8 (online): 383-383. : dx.doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2014.00383 (download: journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fnhum.2014.00383/abstract)

Derix J, Yang S, Lusebrink F, Fiederer LD, Schulze-Bonhage A, Aertsen A, Speck O, Ball T: Visualization of the amygdalo-hippocampal border and its structural variability by 7T and 3T magnetic resonance imaging. Hum Brain Mapp, 2014. : dx.doi.org/10.1002/hbm.22477 (in Druck) 6.     

Jacobs J, Stich J, Zahneisen B, Asslander J, Ramantani G, Schulze-Bonhage A, Korinthenberg R, Hennig J, Levan P: Fast fMRI provides high statistical power in the analysis of epileptic networks. Neuroimage 2014; 88: 282-294

Metternich B, Buschmann F, Wagner K, Schulze-Bonhage A, Kriston L: Verbal Fluency in Focal Epilepsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Neuropsychol Rev, 2014. : dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11065-014-9255-8

Ramantani G, Dumpelmann M, Koessler L, Brandt A, Cosandier-Rimele D, Zentner J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Maillard LG: Simultaneous subdural and scalp EEG correlates of frontal lobe epileptic sources. Epilepsia, 2014; 55 (2): 278-288. : dx.doi.org/10.1111/epi.12512

Ramantani G, Kadish NE, Anastasopoulos C, Brandt A, Wagner K, Strobl K, Mayer H, Schubert-Bast S, Stathi A, Korinthenberg R, Feuerstein TJ, Mader I, van Velthoven V, Zentner J, Schulze-Bonhage A, Bast T: Epilepsy Surgery for Glioneuronal Tumors in Childhood: Avoid Loss of Time. Neurosurgery, 2014; 74 (6): 648-657. : dx.doi.org/10.1227/NEU.0000000000000327

Ramantani G, Maillard LG, Bast T, Husain RA, Niggemann P, Kohlhase J, Hertzberg C, Ungerath K, Innes MA, Walkenhorst H, Bevot A, von Stulpnagel C, Thomas K, Niemann F, Ergun MA, Tacke U, Hausler M, Ikonomidou C, Korinthenberg R, Lee-Kirsch MA: Epilepsy in Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome. Eur J Paediatr Neuro, 2014; 18 (1): 30-37. : dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpn.2013.07.005

Rosenow F, Bast T, Czech T, Hans V, Helmstaedter C, Huppertz HJ, Seeck M, Trinka E, Wagner K: Qualitätsleitlinien für prächirurgische Epilepsiediagnostik und operative Epilepsietherapie Nervenarzt, 2014; 85: 753-756.

Steinhoff BJ, Hamer H, Trinka E, Schulze-Bonhage A, Bien C, Mayer T, Baumgartner C, Lerche H, Noachtar S: A multicenter survey of clinical experiences with perampanel in real life in Germany and Austria. Epilepsy Res, 2014. : dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2014.03.015

Teicheira AC, Direito B, Bandarabadi M, Le Van Quyen M, Valderrama M, Schelter B, Schulze-Bonhage A, Navarro V, Sales F, Dourado A: Epileptic seizure predictors based on computational intelligence techniques: A comparative study with 278 patients. Comput Meth Prog Bio, 2014. : dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2014.02.007

Abteilung Prächirurgische Epilepsiediagnostik


Ärztlicher Leiter:
Prof. Dr. Schulze-Bonhage
Breisacher Str. 64
D-79106 Freiburg
Telefon: 0761 270 53660
Telefax: 0761 270 50030
E-Mail: epilepsiezentrum@uniklinik-freiburg.de