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Team Members

Dilara Hasavci, M.Sc., PhD Student

Tel.: +49 761 270-63132

Elena Steinhauser, Cand. med., MD Student

Tel.: +49 761 270-63133

Maxine Latzel, Cand. med., MD Student

Tel.: +49 761 270-63133

Hannah Janz, Cand. med., MD Student

Tel.: +49 761 270-63132

Norwin Bernatowiczq, Cand. med., MD Student

Tel.: +49 761 270-63133

Doctoral Alumni
Name Dissertation Title Affiliation
Dr. Marius Schwabenland Model systems of microglia-driven human brain pathologies (summa cum laude) Institute of Neuropathology, University Medical Center Freiburg
Dr. med. Lara Nabavi Gut microbiota and sex-differences influence distinct processes of microglial aging (magna cum laude) Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Center Freiburg
Dr. rer. nat. Omar Mossad Gut microbiota exacerbates age-related dysfunctions in the brain: mechanistic profiling of the microbiota's influence on microglia in the aging brain, and modulation of neurocognition by a microbiota-derived metabolite through heterochronic microbiota transplatnation (summa cum laude) Grünenthal Group
Dr. med. Giulia Cascone Long-term effects of neonatal infection on adult neurogenesis and the contribution of T-cells (magna cum laude) Center for Pediatrics, University Medical Center Freiburg
Dr. med. Franziska Kessler On the role of microglia and type 1 interferon signaling alterations in autism-like behavior (magna cum laude) Hegau-Bodensee-Klinikum Singen
Principal Investigator

PD Dr. Thomas Blank

University Clinic Freiburg

Institute of Neuropathology
Breisacher Straße 64
79106 Freiburg

Tel.: +49 761 270-63105
Fax: +49 761 270-50500