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Biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory units

According to national1 and international classifications2,3, pathogens of the risk group 3 comprise highly pathogenic agents for which, in contrast to risk group 4 pathogens, protective or therapeutic countermeasures are available. These include e.g., HIV, Mykobacterium tuberculosis, SARS-CoV-2, highly pathogenic Influenza-A-Virus (H5N1) and the Mpox-Virus (MPXV). Yet, risk group 3 pathogens, which are often of zoonotic origin, pose a considerable threat to the experimenter as well as to the community and live-stock.

In order to diagnose and investigate these agents, the Department of Medical Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene provides two biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) cell culture laboratory units as well as a BSL-3 experimental animal unit. Work under BSL-3 conditions is performed by specially trained scientific and technical personnel.

Amongst others, the equipment of the BSL-3 units allows for the following tasks:

  • Diagnosis of risk group 3 pathogens and subsequent treatment of patients based thereupon.

  • Molecular characterization and research on risk group 3 pathogens in cell culture.

  • Characterization of immune responses triggered by risk group 3 pathogens and the pathogenesis of these agents in vivo.

  • Analysis of antiviral therapeutics and vaccine candidates.

Current research projects in the BSL-3 units are supported by the following institutions:


Dr. rer. nat. Peter Reuther


Research teams

Institute for Virology

Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schreiner-Gruber

Prof. Dr. Martin Schwemmle

Prof. Dr. Georg Kochs

Dr. rer. nat. Peter Reuther

Dr. rer. nat. Kevin Ciminski


Institute for Microbiology and Hygiene

Prof. Dr. Georg Häcker


1Technische Regeln für Biologische Arbeitsstoffe, TRBA 462 –Einstufung von Viren in Risikogruppen

2Directive 2000/54/EC of the European parliament and of the council

3WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual, 3rd edition (2004)

Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Hengel

SecretaryAdministrationInformation desk

Kristina Gendrisch

Telefon: 0761 270-83480

Telefax: 0761 270-83479

Email: kristina.gendrisch@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Gudrun Simpson

Telefon: 0761 270-83711

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: gudrun.simpson@uniklinik-freiburg.de

Jutta Schneeberger

Telefon: 0761 270-83700

Telefax: 0761 270-83703

Email: jutta.schneeberger@uniklinik-freiburg.de