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Psychiatric surgery Summit: Surgical Strategies for the Treatment of Psychiatric Diseases

Inaugural meeting of the Center for Deep Brain Stimulation

October 27-29, 2022 | Freiburg im Breisgau

You can access the recording of the event here



We would like to invite you to the

Inaugural Meeting of the Center for Deep Brain Stimulation – a Psychiatric Surgery Summit: Surgical Strategies for the Treatment of Psychiatric Diseases,

organized by Thomas Schläpfer, Volker Coenen and Bastian Sajonz


October 27, 2022

15.00 | Registration

16.00 | Meeting of the Center for Deep Brain Stimulation | Center Members only

17.00 | Start Inaugural Meeting
Welcome from Faculty of Medicine | Prof. Dr. L. Hein, Dean of the Medical Faculty
Welcome from University Medical Center | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. F. Wenz, CEO of the University Medical Center
Welcome from Department of Psychiatry | Prof. Dr. Claus Normann, Managing Director, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

17.30 | Opening remarks | Prof. Thomas Schläpfer (Freiburg i.Br., Germany)
18.15 | Opening remarks | Prof. Dr. Günther Deuschl (Kiel, Germany)

18.30 | Evening lecture
The Legacies of José Manuel Rodríguez Delgado and Walter Freeman: How the History of Psychosurgery can inform current Neuropsychiatric Research (virtual) | Prof. Joseph J Fins (New York City, USA)

20.00 | Dinner

October 28, 2022

7.30 | Registration

8.00 | Welcome

8.10 | History of Psychiatric surgery - the good the bad the ugly | Prof. Marwan Hariz, Sweden

8.50 | Future non-invasive stimulation strategies for network disorders of the brain | Prof. Ulf Ziemann, Germany

9.30 | Ethics in DBS for psychiatric indications | Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer (Freiburg, Germany)

10.10 | coffee break

10.30 | Lesions with Gamma Knife, RF, Ultrasound. Does it matter? | Prof. Jean Regis, France

11.10 | Technical developments for DBS in psychiatric disorders | Prof. Timothy Denison, England

12.50 | Preclinical models for psychiatric disorders and dbs | Prof. Yasin Temel, Netherlands

12.30 | Primate tract tracing and human DTI to define target regions for DBS | Prof. Volker A. Coenen, Germany

13.10 | Lunch

14.15 | Gilles de la Tourette syndrom - at the verge of psychiatric to neurological indication | Dr. Juan Carlos Baldermann, Germany

14.55 | Closed loop in Movement disorders, translatable to psychiatry? | Prof. Sergiu Groppa, Germany

15.35 | The role of chronic brain sensing in the future of psychiatric neurosurgery | Prof. Philip Starr, USA

16.15 | coffee break

17.00 | “The promise of DBS for Treatment Resistant OCD" (virtual) | Prof. Wayne Goodman (Houston, USA)

17.40 | Anteromedial STN DBS for OCD - towards a better quality of life? | Prof. Stephan Chabardes and Prof. Mircea Polosan, France

18.20 | break with fingerfood

18.40 | cg25 DBS for treatment resistant depression | Prof. Robert E Gross, USA

19.20 | slMFB DBS in treatment resistant depression | Prof. Albert J Fenoy, USA

20.00 | How could holographic technology influence psychiatric surgery? | Prof. Cameron McIntyre, USA

21.00 | Dinner at "Hotel Stadt Freiburg" with dinner talk

22.30 | Get together and networking (free time at the bar)

October 29, 2022

7.30 | Registration

8.00 | Welcome

8.10 | SEEG based approaches to DBS in Depression | Prof. Sameer Anil Sheth, USA

8.50 | Definition of therapy resistance - OCD and MD | Dr. Isidoor Bergfeld (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

9.30 | DBS for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (ALIC and BNST) (virtual) | Dr. Phil Mosley (Queensland, Australia)

10.10 | coffee break

10.30 | DBS for tic disorders - current status and perspectives | Prof. Veerle Visser-Vandewalle (Cologne, Germany)

11.10 | DBS for Alzheimers - Neurologist's perspective / Recruiting | Prof. Onur Özgür, Germany

11.50 | DBS as putative therpeutic option for Alzheimer's Disease | Prof. Andres Lozano, Canada

12.30 | Connectomic view on neuropsychiatric diseases | Prof. Andreas Horn, USA

13.10 | Lunch

14.15 | DBS for OCD, lessons learnt from (almost) 100 consecutive cases | Dr. Pepijn van den Munckhof (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

14.55 | Why has DBS for psychiatric indications not taken off (yet)? | Prof. Dr. Damiaan Denys (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

15.35 | Future development of the field of psychiatric surgery | Prof Dr. Michael S. Okun, USA

16.15 | Discussion: Access to DBS for Patients with OCD and other treatment resistant psychiatric disorders | Prof. Dr. Veerle Visser-Vandewalle, Prof. Thomas Schläpfer and Panel

17.00 | Closing Remarks - END of programme

Registration form

Please note that there are limited places on site. Participation online is also possible.

Inaugural meeting | Registration form

*please send us your Student ID card

The event takes place in

Hotel Stadt Freiburg | Tagungszentrum im Berliner Tor

Breisacherstr. 84

79110 Freiburg im Breisgau

We thank our Sponsors!

Abbott Medical GmbH - 3.000€ for a 2sqm booth
Boston Scientific - 40.000€ for a 6sqm booth + promotional purposes
Brainlab AG - 2.000€ for a 2sqm booth
Newronika S.p.A. - 2.000€ for promotional purposes



Scientific Committee

Medical Center - University of Freiburg

Division of Interventional Biological Psychiatry
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schläpfer
Hauptstraße 5
79104 Freiburg im Breisgau

Department of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
Prof. Dr. Volker Arnd Coenen
Dr. Bastian Sajonz

Breisacher Str. 64
79106 Freiburg im Breisgau

Conference Secretary

Dr. Bastian Sajonz
Tatjana Schätzle

Breisacher Str. 64
79106 Freiburg im Breisgau


Conference organisation

Medical Center - University of Freiburg
Corinna Heiny
Breisacher Str. 153
79110 Freiburg im Breisgau

+49 761 270 84611



And as you are already in Freiburg you may also want to join the 
Inaugural Symposium of the International Neuropsychiatric Case Conference Will Neuropsychiatry Shape the Future of Psychiatry?,
organized by Ludger Tebartz van Elst, Dominique Endres & Kimon Runge.

This Conferences takes place on October 27, 2022 right before the start of our conference.

More informations can be found on there website and in the Flyer.