Zu den Inhalten springen

The Ratlas Project

Electrophysiological signals - be it from single cell or from high channel count Silicon probe recordings - have an electrical amplitude in the µV range. For further technical use, they need at least to be amplified in a wide frequency band to make them accessible for automated analysis. 

Recording systems at our disposal are from Plexon, TDT, alpha-omega, OpenEphys, Multichannel Systems and custom ones. 

Our intend is to use signals acquired during high-res implantation procedures to provide navigational landmarks and improve localization in the rat brain. Early machine learning results point to a promising path towards a functional brain atlas in rats. 

Section of Neuroelectronic Systems

Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Ulrich G. Hofmann
Peter-Osypka-Professor for Neuroelectronic Systems

University Medical Center Freiburg
Department of Neurosurgery
Engesserstr. #4, 5th floor
D-79108 Freiburg
Phone: +49(0)761 270 50076
E-Mail: ulrich.hofmann@uniklinik-freiburg.de