Eye Center
Our Mission
Advanced Medicine and Innovation
The Eye Center at Medical Center, University of Freiburg, is one of the largest ophthalmology departments in Germany. Outpatients and inpatients with all possible eye diseases are treated here. Our spectrum ranges from diseases of cornea and conjunctiva over strabismology and pediatric ophthalmology to retinal and optic nerve diseases. As a maximum care hospital we also cover rare diseases, complex and severe, and hereditary diseases, infections and tumors.
Managing Medical Director: Prof. Dr. Thomas Reinhard
Senior Physician in Charge: Prof. Dr. Hansjürgen Agostini
Managing Senior Physician: Prof. Dr. Thabo Lapp
Sections and Groups
- Corneal & conjunctival diseases
- Cornea bank
- Outpatient surgery
- Cataract surgery
- Lid- and plastic surgery
- Retinology
- Vascular diseases
- Retinal dystrophies
- Uveitis
- Pediatric ophthalmology
- Strabismology
- Neurophthalmology
- Orbital Center
- Functional Vision Research
- Ophthalmic pathology
- Low vision clinic
Eye Center
Killianstraße 5
79106 Freiburg
Phone: 0761 270-40020