Analysis of the structural and functional connectivity in the Cuprizone mouse model of demyelination
Detailed examination and follow-up of brain connectivity alterations following demyelination could bring insight about the underlying mechanisms of myelin disorders and could also have a predictive value for the evolution of the pathology. Exploring functional network fluctuations in animal models of demyelination could therefore reveal important translational information about the disease course and the recovery possibilities. Our study is performed at high magnetic field (7T) and using the CryoProbe technology. With Combined resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging and T2 weighted investigations a complex picture about functional and structural network remodeling as well as morphological alterations is obtained for the demyelinated mouse brain.

Figure 1: Independent component analysis resulted in unilateral components for the region S1BF (A) which were chosen as region of interest - seeds (B) for seed correlation analysis (C).The seed correlation results obtained in a cuprizone treated and a control mouse is displayed for each selected seed. Reduced bilateral pattern of connectivity is observed in the cuprizone treated mouse brain, suggesting decreased inter-hemispherical functional connectivity subsequent to demyelination. Abbreviation: S1BF: primary somatosensory cortex, barrel field

Figure 2: Exemplification of seed based structural connectivity results, derived from DTI and fiber tracking data. A global fiber tracking algorithm was applied for reconstructing the whole mouse brain fiber tracts. Independent component analysis derived seeds regions (A) representative for S1BF right and left hemispheres were used as fiber selection areas, and the fibers crossing these specific brain regions are mapped in panel C (for a control and a cuprizone treated animal). Results are displayed at bregma~ -2.2 (B) according to the Paxinos mouse brain atlas. Reduced number of fibers passing through the corpus callosum to the contralateral hemisphere in the cuprizone treated mouse (lower panel) is noticed. Group averaged fiber density maps (D) confirm this finding showing lower values along the corpus callosum in the cuprizone treated group (arrows). Abbreviation: S1BF: primary somatosensory cortex, barrel field
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Responsible scientists:
- Former Member: Neele Hübner
- Former Member: Anna Mechling
- Former Member: Dr. Laura Harsan
Internal cooperation:
- Dr. Marco Reisert
- Former Member: Thomas Bienert
- Former Member: Dr. Hsu-Lei Lee
apl. Prof. Dr. Dominik von Elverfeldt
Head of AMIR
Tel.: +49 761 270-38320
University Medical Center Freiburg
Dept. of Radiology · Medical Physics
Killianstr. 5a
79106 Freiburg