Microscopy and Image Analysis
Classical, fluorescence and confocal
Complex Microscope Systems
Lighthouse has recently installed an
Akoya Phenocycler-Fusion (CODEX) (ZTZ)
which allows the analysis of up to 100+ markers on a single slide.

Confocal and Lightsheet Microscopy
ZTZ: Zeiss LSM 880 with AiryScan
ZTZ: Zeiss LSM 710
IMTATE: Zeiss LSM 980 NLO (multiphoton) with AiryScan
IMTATE: Zeiss CellDiscoverer 7 with LSM 900 AiryScan Scanhead
IMTATE: Zeiss Lightsheet 7

High Content Screening (HCS)/ Automated Microscopy
Microscopes for Image Cytometry/Automated Microscopy/HCS:
ZTZ: Olympus scanR High Content Screening Station
IMITATE: Zeiss CellDiscoverer 7 with LSM 900 AiryScan

Slide Scanning Zeiss AxioScan 7 (IMITATE)
High capacity slide scanner for fluorescence or brightfield (IHC) samples. (Located in the IMITATE building)

Long-Term Live Cell Imaging Sartorius Incucyte S3
Lighthouse has a Sartorius Incucyte S3 system, which is an automated microscope contained within an incubator. It allows the independent imaging and analysis of up to 6 plates or experiments simultaneously.
Additional Widefield Systems

Zeiss AxioImager M2m (ZTZ)
Upright widefield microscope for immunohistochemistry and fluorescence microscopy

Zeiss AxioObserver I / Apotome (ZTZ) Zeiss AxioOvserver II / Apotome (ZTZ)
Inverted fluorescence microscopes with on-stage climate chamber or heated stage, and motorized stage

Zeiss Discovery.V8 (ZTZ)
Stereomicroscope. Brightfield and fluorescence (GFP/RFP).

Image Analysis
Bitplane Imaris - 3D reconstruction and analysis
AutoQuant / AutoDeblur - Deconvolution and 3D reconstruction
Metamorph - Image Analysis
Zeiss Zen Blue / Black
Olympus Scan^R analysis
Olympus Xcellence
Cell Profiler
ImageJ / FiJi
Biosafety Information
Some microscopy experiments of any biosafety level can only be carried out after filling out the proper form. All new projects must be registered with this form.
It can be found in our "Download area".