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Long-Term Live Cell Imaging

Sartorius Incucyte S3

The Incucyte S3 is an automated microscope located within a standard cell culture incubator and is of particular interest for low resolution, long-term, live cell imaging. It allows the independent measurement and analysis of up to 6 plates or experiments at the same time. It is the method of choice for long-term observation of spheroid and organoid development. Available objectives include 4x, 10x and 20x. These objectives are compatible with most standard cell culture plate formats and plates of to 96- or 384-wells are also supported. For the list of currently supported substrates please see (link for download). Channels available for imaging and analysis are standard brightfield/phase contrast, as well as two channels for fluorescence. Details about fluorescence can be seen below:




Possible Fluorochromes

Green fluorescence

440-480 nm

504-544 nm

GFP, YFP, CellTracker Green, CFSE, FITC

Red fluorescence

565-605 nm

625-705 nm

mRFP, mKate2, mCherry, CellTracker Red, Alexa Fluor 594

Note: The red fluorescence channel is suboptimal for the detection of fluorescence proteins such as td tomato and turbo RFP.

Plates and Flasks fitting into IncuCyte

The list for download contains the vessels which work with the IncuCyte. Note: Only Microwell Plate formats or chamber slides will fit into our system. No flasks.


Further Information